((This isnt mine sadly i found it and it looked like the three main pplz in my dream Left to right AJ,Me,Evan.))So me and Aj were going to a carnival,it was supposedly safe from the evil that tries to kill every one.While we were there the whole place started to crumble into a dark forest..all the people there were decoys.They weren't real..they were actually wraiths in disguise..A wraith tried attacking us..BUT ethan jumped in and slaughtered the wraiths near by.When he was done,he gave us weapons.I got a scythe,like evans but mine Was black((no im not coping this from the image above..it was literally a coincidence >_>
wink )But A.j got this strange dagger looking thing which i'll try to draw..Later >w>.And evan has white scythe.>3> A.j kept whining bout how she diddnt get a scythe so evan turned his scythe into a giant sword..and said"There are you happy,we all have different weapons..Be grateful a actually gave you something" XD