OMG! Anime Expo was so much fun!!! I only went for three days, so I didn't go on Monday. Everything was so much fun! (Oh yes all the pics you are going to see, I took them all)
I hugged Vic Mignogna!! I touched him!!! X3

I also hugged Man-Faye, it was weird...^^

There were these two cosplayers of Sora and Roxas who were doing yaoi for money! So Jaye gave them five bucks! This is what we got:

Oh yes I made it my soul purpose in life over there to hug as many L's as possible. I hugged over 20 L's. Three of which glomped me (in a row), and one of which spanked me with a Yuri paddle (It hurt crying ). Then I spanked a different L with a Yaoi paddle! Yay....
My friends Raye (XxFullmetal_AlchemistxX), Jaye (Casmin), and I got interviewed by a Japanese radio station. It was so cool!^^
We bought so much art! I got this amazingly bootiful pic of Edward and Alphonse Elric! I got this Japanese do who was doing commisions to draw me a pic of Kimbley, I luffles it! heart heart
I had so much fun and cannot wait for next year!!! whee 3nodding whee
-Note, next year I might go as L from Death Note for one day!
lone_wolf_24 · Wed Jul 04, 2007 @ 12:23am · 0 Comments |