Chaos_Ebonheart's Journal |
This is my place to rant about random things. It will probably turn out to be rather depressing so don't post anything to make me even more angry. |
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 @ 02:36pm
God help us...
To start, my condolences to the victims and their friends and family. You are in my prayers, God bless you and stay strong.
I'm still in shock over the VT shooting...I don't get how something like this could happen.
The kid, Cho was his name, I believe; was clearly mental so why didn't the school do something before this could happen??
Dr. Phil, as if he knows anything, is trying to blame video ******** HIM!! If I hear of one more violent incident where some 'Professional' blames video games I swear I'll throw an Xbox at them! As far as I've heard that kid didn't even play video games. First of all, the guy was ******** 23! It's not like he was impressionable or anything. And second of all I have played a million violent video games and the only violence I have yearned for because of them was toward the bosses IN THE ******** GAME!!
These people that blame it on things like that need to grow half a brain and shut the ******** up until they do.
I simply don't understand a lot of things. What about the guy's family? Has anyone found them yet? They better step up too and at least offer sympathy to the families of the victims.
About his writings, I've written a fair amount of violent literature and I personally think that is my outlet...If I feel like I want to cause harm, I'll do it fictionally through writing OR VIDEO GAMES! I wanna shoot s**t? I do it on a TV screen.
I also want to know about that message they found on the kids arm...It said "Ismail Ax"...I'm horribly curious to find out what that means. I googled it and the biggest result was something having to do with math, sine and cosine stuff...I'm not good at math...So either the kid had some math to study and wrote it on his arm in order to remember it or it had some personal meaning...Which I can't wait to see what the media and cryptololgists(Sp?) come up with.
Also, reguarding the note Cho wrote, saying 'You caused me to do this...' That's horse s**t...I mean I know it's of no purpose now, because the kid's dead but he was an idiot to blame others for his idiot actions.
I have no doubt that that he was insane, I just wish he hadn't taken his own life because I would have liked the hear what he would have said in court. Of course, he'd probably would have gotten off on an insanity plea or something, the court system is so ******** up.
I just hope more light is shed upon this tragedy in the future, I want to know what the note he wrote said, uncut...I want to know what psychologists ******** Dr. Phil!) and I want a team of cryptologists on this s**t! If this sort of thing isn't enough motivation to get these people researching I don't know what is!
Once again, my sympathies go out the victims of this horrible tragedy. God bless you and let's hope nothing like this happens again. God bless you all!
I am a dumb weeaboo fag
Community Member
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 @ 03:08am
Love does exist!
If I hear one more little punk 13-year old tell me that love doesn't exist I'm going to break something.
Love does exist! You're just pissed because you haven't found it/have had your heart broken/whatever. I don't give a damn what happened or what didn't happen to you, I really don't. And if you don't believe in love or whatever that's fine with me. But don't tell me, everytime I make a topic celebrating the love I have, that my love is an 'illusion' or 'just infatuation', SHUT THE ******** UP!! I am able to think for myself and I can't say the same for you. If you're 'against' love, you are an IDIOT! You can't live without some form of love, whether it be from family, friends or a ******** pet...I don't care, human beings need love to stay sane.
And don't think you're 'hardcore' when you say 'No one loves me...My parents hate me...' If your parents really hated you they wouldn't let you love in their house or buy you food. I realize there are some who no longer have their parents with them, but as soon as you were left, I'll bet you any money that there was someone there for you. I don't believe anyone on this site that says the world hates them...Because if you were unloved by the world you wouldn't be able to go on...
And if you truly believe that you are completely unloved I'm sorry to tell you, but you're wrong! I will not get religious but I know of one being that does love you...And I will leave it at that.
I am a dumb weeaboo fag
Community Member
Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 @ 03:15am
DavidWhy A Touch of Irish Chaos I love your avvie! Perfect monster! 10/10 What kind of monster/victim am I? Yankee Doodle went to town, riding on a pony Stuck a feather in her cap and called it BLOOD She was a very deprived child that didn't have many toys to play with. Naturally, she started making toys for herself. Her fist toy was a pair of scissors. She took those scissors and played with all the neighborhood children. Each child only got to play with her once. She is a very fun monster that most monsters dream of acting as one day.
I am a dumb weeaboo fag
Community Member
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 @ 12:15am
Avvie story
I went to a thread that gives stories for your avvies...I absolutely love the one she game me! Crunchy Munchies! A Touch of Irish Chaos I would like a story please? In the Hot hawaian sun, A Touch of Irish Chaos sits in the shade of a palm tree admiring the blackness of her clothes. Twitching her wings she finally realized it was a bit hot. she started to doodle in the sand with her pitchfork. She looked up for a moment to meet the sun's angry glare, leaving her with black and green blouches of shadows in her vision as she adjusted her glasses. " I have to get out of here before they find me, being in disguise and acting like it is very hard. I might go to Africa next. .. . ." she says as she stands up and kicks the dead corpse at her side. Spitting on it she takes flight.
I am a dumb weeaboo fag
Community Member