So howdy, haven't put anything up in a while but I don't think anyone really reads this anyway. If ya do then let meh know and I'll try not to ramble on so aimlessly. This journal is pretty much just to keep me sane. If it does anything for anyone else I will be severly shocked. I decided to get a hairbrush and sing and dance in my pajamas the other day. Now I just dance. I am on my school dance team. Dancing is (basically) my life. I have no idea why. I would like to know why though. If I could figure it out then maybe I could stop wanting to dance and save my parents a lot of money. Dance team is most assuredly NOT cheap... pity really. But then again not. If it was cheap then most of the school would try out. Girls would be pushing themselves extra hard to get on... hmmm... maybe that's not such a bad idea. I know some girls made it that I would rather they not have. But if we get flooded with dance crazed penny-pinchers with talent then poor mediocre dancers like me would be laughed at.
crying It's kinda sad really. It's a win-lose situation either way. Boy that sucks...
Personality: fun, bubbly (gets into trouble a lot)
Weapon(s): Claws and sheer force of will
Family: one dead brother