Hey guys! So I have been bored out of my mind all day.
Guess what I did last night?
Stayed at school. xD
Our Band did this event called a "Rock-A-Thon" where to participate you had to fit the conditions of:
1. Be going to Orlando with the Band in April [our big 4-year trip] along with being a member of the band of course.
2. Raise 120 dollars in Sponsors
3. Get a rocking chair. xD
So basically, all the eligible participants brought their rocking chairs with the last night and from 7 PM to 7 AM we rocked nonstop with 10 minute breaks every 50 minutes. xD It was fun for the most. Mostly, I just played Rock Band. =] There were tournaments going on [Super Smash Brothers Brawl was one, along with an UNO Tournament. xD].
This morning when I got home at 7 AM-ish [they let us go a bit early so we could clean up and get some sleep. xD], I slept til 2 PM. =] Then I got up, showered, and have done absolutely nothing really all day. I have been off and on my laptop all day, and been watching the "Harry Potter Weekend" thing on ABC Family. I sat through all of Chamber of Secrets and am now halfway through Prisoner of Azkaban.
So I am impeccably boooored now.