GAIA NAME: Azabeth

WEAPON: Her daggers made of 100% silver which she conceals very well beneath the small amounts of clothes she wears. Each blade is inscripted with something. On the blade inscripted with gold it says "Un temps pour être né, et un temps pour mourir ;" (A time to be born, and a time to die wink On the blade inscripted in a black metal, it says "Un temps pour la guerre, et un temps pour la paix. " (A time for war, and a time for peace.) These daggers are named The Frech Courtesans and Azabeth discovered them at the notorious Montmartre cabaret club, the Moulin Rouge.
BIO: Azabeth has lived by her saying: "Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die." her enitre life. She grew up in a rich family. She lived in paris till she was four, then her family moved to England after a tragic accident. While she and her family were staying at a hotel in France a disasterous thing happend. A guest turned out to be a lycanthrope. He was staying here on the night of the full moon, chained to his bed. The bed broke and he was set free. Azabeth's father tried to stop the man/beast from killing everyone. While pushing a small child and mother out of the way, he was torn apart by the beast. Azabeth ran after her dad and barely dodged the crazy beast.. He scratched her across the back and she became infected. Her family moved to England to speak with a Doctor who could help Azabeth during her first few transformations. . . and he did. When Azabeth was old enough, she left England to travel. On the way she met some fantastic people her taught her different strengths. Her best strength was the artist use of her daggers, The French Courtesans.
PERSONALITY: Azabeth is your typical badass. She tries to act like things don't phase her, when really they do. She's been in fights. She enjoys arguing. She enjoys looking like she's pissed off, but when you get to know her you mgiht get to hear her giggle. Azabeth is outgoing, friendly (for the most part), and she's comitted.
RACE: Lycanthrope. (She is one of few that can transform into almost any animal)