Meggo's Bloggy Thingy. |
This is where I talk about Stuff with Strategicly Placed Capitalisation... |
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 @ 02:06am
1. Last person you had a deep and meaningful conversation with? What the ******** is that? xDDD No I Dunno Probably Nicole On The Phone For the Win.
2. Where was the last place you went? Here?
3. If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be? Taylor's House With Katie and Nicole For Days on End Because it Seems to go by far too Fast So Yes.
4. Pick one person you trust with your life? With My Life? Like I Trust them To Not Murder Me? I Don't Understand The Question! xDDD Well, Let's do a Process of Elimination I Don't Trust Myself with my Life 'Cause I Know I'll end up Going twelve kind of crazy and Hanging myself, Uh, I Don't Trust anyone In my Family with my Life Unless you're talking about Breaking out a Can Of Whup-a** on a Guy whose trying to Kill me 'Cause I Guess my Dad Could Do That, If he Wasn't High... Uh, I Dunno It'd have to Be Someone Who Could Fight Crime in my Namesake Slash Make an Informed Decision about what to Do if I Was in a Coma... I'ma say Taylor. xDDD
5. How many people have you kissed in the past week? None You Looser KISSING SPREADS HERPESSS!!!
6. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it? Uh, They Haven't Returned it as of Yet But That's 'Cause she's still Reading it xD
7. Who's baby was the last baby you held? My Cousin Natalie She's adorable
8. Do you know of any twins with rhyming names? No I Do not.
9. Are you ticklish? Uh, I Dunno No one's Tickled me in like Years And I'd prefer to Keep it that Way.
10. Have you ever worn a crown? A Burger King Crown!!! =DDD
11. Last time you saw fireworks? While Ago. I Hear them Like every Night Bugs the Crap outta me
12. Who is the last person you hugged? Bonnie. She's My Home Pal.
13. Do you have a black dog? Uh, Charlie Thinks He's Black... xDDD
14. Do you have a little black dress? No.
15. What color is your underwear right now? White And Aquaaa
16. Who was the last person to IM you? Sam Asking me Why I Was not at School.
17. Do you like coffee? ******** God Damned Yes!
18. Are you missing someone? Uh, Not Really? I'm Anti Socail Today So No? xD
19. Reason behind why you last cried. Uh Last Night I Couldn't Fall Asleep Because I Kept on Feeling like I Was Going to Garf [lawliet xD] And I Kept on thinking Someone Was going to come in and Shoot/Stab me And I Got Really Frustrated and Started Crying xDDD
20. How much cash do you have on you? $20 at Home And than like $30 in Barnes and Noble Gift Cards And than A Lot in the Bank
25. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? None I Need to Upload Haloween Pictures though D<
26. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a regret: Uh, Milion Dollars Just 'Cause that Wouldn't Change the Course of Time...
27. Whats on your mind right now? The God Damned Internet is Down, So I Have to Wait for ******** Ever To Post this D<
28. Do you have a deep dark secret? Well, Not 'Deep' Persay Though it is Kind of 'Dark', as you Put it. And It's not really a Secret I Just Haven't Gotten Arround to Telling anyone Yet xDDD
29. Wouldn't you rather be with your "lover" right now? I Don't Have a Lover xD
30. Who was the hottest teacher you ever had? Uh, Hottest Teacher... I'd have to Sayyyy Ms. Lowry xDDD Because Not Knowing the Capital of Nevada And Subsequently Making the World Stop Is HOT xD
31. What was the last thing you ever got grounded for? I Don't Get Grounded...
32. What was your childhood nickname? I Didn't Have one xD
33. Do you have any strange phobias? Awnsering the Door/Phone Being Alone, Ever My Hair Falling out And Apparantly, Chipmunks.
34. What was the name of the kid that everyone made fun of in gradeschool Travis Schroder.
35. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Maried.
36. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Same thing I Fear is going to get me at night now.
38. Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet? Not really
39. Do you crack your knuckles? Yes It's Really annoying
40. What's one thing that can always be found in your refrigerator? Water? xDDD
41. Are you a vegetarian? Well I Was xDDD
42. How many kids do you plan on having? Z-E-R-O Got it Memorized?
43. Plans for tonight? Watching Conan.
44. How would you like to die? I Kind of want to Choke myself Infront of my Therapist as a big '********'
45. Have you ever been in love? No. No I Haven't
46. When is the last time you went out of the state? Like, Last year?
47. Have you ever had a true one night stand? No xD
48. Who was the last person that texted you? Cornwall
49. We are all human, do you judge someone for a past indiscretion? Yep.
50. Generally, in life, what makes you happy? Everything makes me Happy for a Small While.
Meggo the Magnificent
Community Member
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 @ 12:17am
1 - When was the last time you cried? Uh, At like 11:30 today Because I Was Feeling amazingly Lonley And I Needed a Hug But Lawliet, No one was there So I Cried.
2 - Have you ever faked sick? Story of my Life.
3 - What was the last lie you said? Oh God, I Don't remember I Lie Too Much
4 - Have you ever cried during a movie? Yep. I'm a Cry Baby xDDD
5 - Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? L xDDD
6 - Have you ever danced in the rain? Yes. I Had a Poncho and Everything. 7 - Have you ever been drunk? Yes. Not even Worth it. I Don't get why People are all Lawliet, Let's get Drunkzorzzzz!!! It kind of Phailz
8 - Have you ever tried tried drugs? Know What, ******** you. [******** You.
9 - Do you smoke? No. Nasty ********.
10 - What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare? I Don't do Dares xDDD
11 - What is your full name? Meggo Pants Stewart.
12 - What is your blood-type? Quador?
13 - Have you ever been in a car accident? Uh, I've been in a Fender Bender Which Did not Bend the Fender xD
14 - How old were you when you recieved your first kiss? 13
15 - Who was your first kiss? Lawliet[I ******** WISH IT WAS LAWLIET! xDDD], Latham
16 - Have you ever had an online relationship? No xD
17 - Have you ever had phone-sex? Oh God, No xDDD
18 - Have you ever been rejected by a crush? Meggo does not ask People out.
19 - What is your favourite sport to play? a**-Sitting.
20 - Have you ever made a prank phone call? I Don't know Probably Not.
21 - Have you ever said Yes, I Have Said- -cliff hanger-
22 - What's your favourite childhood memory? I Don't Have any Childhood Memorys. Duh
23 - Is there anything that you have done that you regret? Uhhh, I'm Tempted to Say Yes But I Dunno Not Regret Just kind of Look Back on And Say Oh, I'm a K-Dumbass
24 - What do you want to be when you grow up? A Burn Out.
25 - What is your political persuassion? I'm 15 Years old. My Biggest Concern is when I'm going to get the Next Issue of Yu-Gi-Oh!. I Don't care at all about Politics at this Point in time.
26 - Have you ever had cybersex? Lawliet.
27 - Do you believe in g-d? xDDDD -wipes laughter tears-
28 - Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope. Unless You're L xDDDD
29 - Do you believe in karma? I Don't even know anymore.
30 - Who was your first crush? Some Kid I Forgot his Name I Think he had a Mullet.
31 - Who do yo uhave a crush on? Oh, Lawliet, Not Saying. Because that Would be Weird xDDD
32 - How would you describe yourself? Uh, I Dunno. I Can't Describe Myself You do it for me xDDD
33 - What are you afraid of? Being Alone.
34 - Are you religious? Pfft, No. xD
35 - What does your screen name mean? I'm Meggo. And I Like Alliteration.
36 - What person do you trust the most? Uh, I Trust a Few people the Most
37 - Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Lawl, Latham -laughs at self-
38 - What is the best compliment you have ever recieved? Oh, I Dunno I Don't Remember/Get compliments
39 - What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you? My Sister Was Talking to my Grandma And She Was all 'Lawliet, Stop treating her like she's going to go all postal if you yell at her, She's too much of a p***y to Accualy Kill herself. She's just a Stupid little Emo Cutter Kid.' Nice, Right?
40 - What is the longest crush/relationship you have had? Uh Like a Month xDDD
41 - What is your greatest strength? Oh I Dunno I Don't really Have any xDDD 42 - What is your greatest weakness? Lawliet, No self Esteem
43 - What is your perfect pizza? Green Peppers and Onions.
44 - What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? AOWWWWWWWWWWWW DDDD<
45 - What is your first thought before you go to bed? Ugh, I have to Wake up Soon.
46 - What college do you want to go to? I Dunno.
47 - Do you get along with your family? Kind of. 48 - Do you play any instruments? Yeah I Play the Violin
49 - What kind of music do you like? I'll Listen to anything.
50 - Do you think you're attractive? Nope. I'm an Ugly ********.
51 - Would you ever get a tattoo? Yeah It wouldn't be of Great Meaning though It'd be Pretty xD
52 - How many piercings do you have? Ears And a Closed up Lip Peircing -is a Dumbass-
53 - Who makes you laugh? Mah Creww xDDD
54 - Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours? Oh, L =DDD
55 - Have you ever seen a dead body? Not in Person
56 - Do you have a celebrity crush? Hah, Ellen Page xDDD
57 - What is one thing scientists should invent? A Really Really Really Long Charge batterey.
58 - Have you ever broken a bone? LAWLIET, Yeah! 59 - What happens after you die? You Rot in the Ground And people Cry, than Forget about you.
60 - Do you watch or read the news? Occasonaily
61 - What stereotype would you label yourself as being? Uh, I Dunno
62 - Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label? Sure? xDDDD
Meggo the Magnificent
Community Member
Meggo the Magnificent
Community Member
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 @ 07:11am
1- Find the book nearest to you, go to page 18, find line 4: "nect in the mind 3 join (with) as a part-" Lawliet, Dictionary
2- Stretch out your left arm as far as you can: The Edge of the Table.
3- Last thing you watched on TV?: Uhh, s**t, I've been Glancing all day But the Last thing I Watched Was Diners, Drive ins, And Dives xDD
4- Without looking, what time is it?: Like, one?
5- Now, what is the actual time?: 12:50
6- Without the computer, what do you hear?: Jess and Chris talking about Cars The TV Bowling for Soup - When we Die
7- When did you last step outside?: When I Went to get a Cherry Coke ******** Cold D<
8- Before you took this survey, what did you look at?: A Video Of MSI
9- What are you wearing?: The First My Chem Shirt I Ever Bought Jeans [Big Surprise] The Best Socks Evar
10- Did you dream last night?: No I Did Not
11- When did you last laugh? Uh, Like 'lol' laugh I Can't Remember
12- What is on the walls in the room you are in?: White paint And Blue Tile
13- See anything weird lately?: A Response Video to 2 Girls One Cup... DO NOT LOOK UP THAT VIDEO NO DON'T YOU'LL ******** VOMMIT OH MY GOD NO DON'T DO IT MAN PLEASE!
14- What do you think of this quiz?: It's Damn Fine xD
15- What is the last film you saw?: Last Flim I Saw Wassss Bee Movie! xDDD "Bee Ghandi, Bee Jesus," xDD
16- If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you do?: Buy some s**t Online xD
17- Tell me something I don't know about you: Uhh, I Dunno I'm A Pretty Open Person I Guess You Don't Know Thattttt ********, I Dunno xDD You might not Know that I'm like The most Paranoid person Ever I worry constantly that I'm going to get into a Car Crash Or a Train will Hit me Or My House will Blow up Or Someone is Going to come into my House and Shoot me It's Not Fun xDDD
18- If you could do one thing about the world without guilt or politics: I'd Get rid of NOTHING At all xDDD I'd feel Like I Was ******** everyting Up
19- Do you like to dance? Yes But I can't Do it I Suck xDDD
20-Geroge Bush: Is the President =D xDDDD
21- Imagine your first child is a girl, what is her name?: Uh, One, That Wouldn't Happen And Two, Chelsea Nicole xDDD
22- Imagine you first child is a boy, what is his name?: DANIEL JAMES But It won't Happen But Yeah Daniel James
23- Would you consider living abroad?: No. Planes AHHHHHNIOOOOOO
24- What do you want God to say to you when you reach heaven?: Uh. I'll Take Taylor's Awnser Except I'd Get like 72 Hot Gay Guys From Various Fandoms Turned Real And We'd Act out Fanfiction xDDD
25. Tag six people who must do this in their journal: Screw you xDDD
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 02:30am
Psychoanalyze Yourself; Don't read ahead, just answer the following questions with the first thought that comes to mind. Then read which each answer means at the end. (No cheating! )
1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. Who is with you? Uh, I Dunno Probably Nicole Or Taylor Or Potka Tertie Because we'd Get Lost Going to math xDDD
2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal? A Bird. Like, A Hawk or something
3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal? Uh, Nothing, I'd take no notice to it Well... Aside from Seeing it. xD
4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing, and before you is your dream house. how big is it? It's like Not all that Big And it's Not in the Woods...
5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence? God, no.
6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining table. What is on it? Nothing. Because in my house, We don't use the Dining table.
7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it? Teacup.
8. What do you do with the cup? ... Drink Tea out of it?
9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself standing at a body of water. How big is it? It's a big, Clean, Clear Pond NOT TOO BIG THOUGH!!!
10. How will you cross the water? Cross it? I'm Swimming in it.
After you copy and paste into a new bulletin, and answer ALL the questions above you can look down here. | | | | | | | v
1. The person(s) who you are walking in the woods with is the most important to you. Damn Skippidy
2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems in your life. ... My Problems Are the size of a bird of Prey?
3. The severity of the interaction you have with the animal is representative of how you deal with your problems. xDDDDDD Got me there xD
4. The size of your dream home is representative of the size of your ambition to solve your problems. Way to go, Three for Four xD
5. A lack of a fence is indicative of an open personality. People are welcome at all times. The presence of a fence indicates a closed personality. You'd prefer people not drop by unannounced. Oh, Allright
6. If your answer did NOT include food, flowers, or people, then you are generally unhappy. ... So I'm Unhappy, Because I Don't have anything on a Table ... Are you ******** Retarded? xDDD
7. The durability of the material with the cup is made of is representative of the perceived durability of your relationship. Oh, Is Glass Durrable? xDDDD
8. What you did with the cup is representative of your attitude. My Attitude Is I Drink things? xDDD
9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire. xDDDD Just No xD
10. The way you cross the water is representative to how easy or hard you expect your life to be Hah, It'll go SWIMMINGLY!!! xDDDD!!!! Pun
Meggo the Magnificent
Community Member
Meggo the Magnificent
Community Member
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 @ 01:55am
1. Have you had any relationships this year? Nope
2. Have you had your birthday yet? ******** yeah I Did We watched the Yu-Gi-Oh Movie And had a Fire And And It was RockxCore =D
3. Been on a diet? No
6. Drank Starbucks? ******** Yeah
7. Went Camping? No
8. bought something? Uh... Yeah It'd be Highly unlikley to go 11 months without purchacing a single thing...
9. Met someone special? Not So Much Met As Like Got closer to
10. Been out of state? Uhh, Crap, I Don't think so...
12. What are you thinking about? Death Note How much I Despise Zac Effron And Not wanting to go to school on Monday.
___________________________________________________________ 1.) Hugged someone? Probably I Don't Recall Maybe not though I've Grown to Despise Hugs It's what I Get for Hanging out with Anti-Touchy Feely People
2.) Slept in someone elses bed? Yeah Wait... Yeah Probably
3.) Got a job? xDDDD Good One
4.) Loaned out money? Yes And it Caused a Mild Deal of Trouble
5.) Gotten in a car accident? No
7.) Done something you regret? Yes. Even though I Usualy Don't Regret things No This was Just Stupid And Unnesicary Luckily, I'm Smarter Now. ___________________________________________________ LAST :
Last Person you hugged? Uh, I Really Have No I- Bonnie. I Hugged Bonnie Earlier today 'Cause She's my Dawwwwg
Last Person to call you? My Mom. 'Cause No one ever calls me I End up calling them 'Cause I Have Lazy Friends.
Who did you last yell at? Uh, Jess For Being a Dumbass And Saying s**t about me 'Behind my back' Within Hearing Distance ___________________________________________________________ TEN FACTS :
01. Where is your home town? Valparaiso, IN, Mutha ********.
02.natural hair colour? Err, It's like Blondeish Redish Brownish xDDD You'd have to see it
03. Initials? MJS
04. Hair style? s**t. Complete and Utter ******** s**t.
5. Eye color? Green. ... Ish. It's got Some Hazel-like Qualities But I Refuse to call them Anything but Green.
6. Height : ********, 5'6"? No Idea.
7. Pets: Big Dog Pug Dog Satan Dog Spaz Cat Chill Cat Tail-less Cat New Cat ... I'm So Loving, aren't I?
08. Mood: Not all that Good Man, Not all that Good. ... Man.
09. Where would you rather be? I Would rather be... A Character in Death Note And I'd ******** Kill Misa And Take her Place And Be Less God Damned Annoying And I'd accualy be Productive. God, I'd make a <i>Way</i> Better Kira than Her -snarls-
10. What was the last thing you drank? Cherry Coke, Jealous? ___________________________________________________________ TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE:
01. Have you ever been in love: No. No I Have Not.
02. do u believe in love? Sure? Whatever?
03. Have you ever been heartbroken: I'm Sure
04. Have you ever broken someone's heart confused I Dunno
05. Have you ever fallen for your best friend? Yep I Allways Do Like <i>Allways</i> It's Kind of Funny Accualy. Like, Seriously, If You're my Friend I <i>Have</i> Had a Crush on you at one point in time No Joke I'm Pathetic.
06. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? That's a Stupid Question Everyone Has.
07. Are you afraid of commitment? I Can't Even Write a God Damned Chapter Fic!
09. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships in your llife? HAH! HAHHAHAHA!!! OH GOD!! You're Funny Man ___________________________________________________________ 4 EMOTIONS
01. Are you missing someone right now? Not really
02. Are you happy? Nope
03. Are you eating anything? ... How is Eating an Emotion...
04. Do you like someone right now? Yes. But He's Animated. xDDD
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 @ 09:32pm
1] I Love going to the Movies. I Don't care if I'm seeing the Lamest movie Ever, I Adore the Movie Theater. I Love the Smell of Popcorn, I Love the Giant Screen. I Just love it. But don't Expect me to take you to a Movie. I Only go with Nicole.
2] I Much prefer talking on the phone to Instant Messaging. It's so much more fun. You can't make me 'lol' on t3h int3rwh3bz. But on the phone, God, I'll Laugh 'till I Turn purple in the Face.
3] I have a Fair ammount of Friends, but I Only have three that I Accualy do stuff with. ie; Spend the Night, Write Notes to, go to the Mall. That Kind of stuff.
4] I Have a feeling I'm going to be Murdered one day.
5] I Think 'Haute Catoure' is a Bunch of God Damned Bullshit. Most of the Dresses are Ugly as s**t, Yet they cost more than a house. It's just Promoting a Snooty, Diva attitude. I Hate it. It's Pointless.
6] I think Suicide by Poisoning would be very Glamorous. It just seems like a Very Elegant way to go out.
7] I Have the strangest taste in Music. Seriously. Just take a look at my Song History list on Myspace. It's Insanity. But I Can Pull it off, For the sole fact that I am Meggo.
8] I'm far too white. I Hate it. It's Boring I Want to be Ethnic in some way.
9] I Have the Coolest Grandma Ever. She's amazing. She's one of my Best Friends.
10] The thread is My Sanctuary.
11] I don't like to Play Kingdom Hearts. But I Love watching people play it. No Idea why.
12] I Have the worst theripist in the Ever. She's a Crazy Jesus Humper b*****d old lady. I Hate her so Much.
13] I Have this mole on my chin, and it Grows a hair out of it, and I Have to pluck it out every few months because it's discustingly long.
14] America's Next top Model is my Favorite Televison show ever. I Love it so Much. It's Quality ******** Programing.
15] I Suck so hard at Guitar Hero. But I Have to get Better 'Cause Latham's getting Rock band in December. I'm Going to be the Basist. Ken's going to be the Guitarist. Latham, the Drummer. And Maddie's Going to Sing. And it will be the Greatest thing in The history of the World.
16] I can't fall asleep unless I'm Super Duper Tired, Because I End up thinking someone is in my house and I Flip twelve kinds of s**t.
17] I Miss hanging out with Maddie and Hillary every Weekend. We'd go over to Hill's house and Walk arround Chesterton, and get Energy Drinks, and Just have all arround Nonsensical Fun. Than we'd wake up and Eat Breakfast in the Road, and have deep philosophial conversations with Hill's 7 year old sister. It was amazing. I Miss it so much.
18] I Despise School. I See no point in it. Why do we need an Education when We're just going to End up Dying 30 years later. No Point. At all. I Hate it. It's Torture.
19] I Do Belive I have more Internet friends than IRL friends.
20] MDX > Monster tenfold.
21] I Absolutley Positivley, With every Fiber of my Very Existance ADORE Yu-Gi-Oh. I Love it. I Live for it. I Love everything about it. I Love the Manga, I Love the Anime, I Love the ******** Abridged Series. I Just adore it. It's Unexplainable.
22] I Think that Psychics are Bullshit. But that's just because I can't do it... So With that Logic, I Think Football players and Mathmaticians are Bullshit too.
23] I Love the Discoverey Chanel. It's HardxCore. And the Food Network. s**t, I Just like Satalite in General.
24] Whoever Keeps Deciding Yo-Yo's are cool every Couple of years, Needs to be kicked in the Nads/Baby. Because They aren't. ********...
25] Gummy Candy is ******** GOD.
Meggo the Magnificent
Community Member