I believe in all religions, that includes athiesm. I acknoweldge all religions to keep my mind open. Every religion has it's flaws, but there are a couple of religions that have strong points. I'm just gonna point out the 2 most common ones I see.
Christianity: Just because there's no strong evidence of Jesus doing these miracles dosen't mean it didn't happen. Christianity has sparked many idea and inspired many. Jesuse's message is what many people need to follow, unfortunately not many people are living up to it. Despite all I said, Christians are a bunch hypocrites. If God truely accepts everyone, then he woulden't have a problem with someone following a different religion or having a different sexaulity. People talk about equality but yet there are many people who are part of the Christian branch and cause a lot of trouble in society. The Bible has it's good and bad messages, so you shoulden't try to think The Bible is your life.
Athiesm: I honestly hate Internet athiest, they are the most skeptical people in the world. Athiest have to the most close minded people in the world. Also, some of the biggest jerks are athiest, since they often have no type of enlightment, they just want to cut down everyone else to size. Although, Athiest are often smarter than others, they often do point out some very good points.They also have no limits to taking something to the next level. They have a lot of will when it comes to showing their true selfs.
So, where do I belong? My beliefs mostly wrap around Budhism and Diesm, but I believe every religion has its ups and downs. Religion is more than a belief, it's a lifestyle.
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