So excited to go to NC next month for my fiance's homecoming. I haven't seen him since June and i miss him dearly. I miss everything about him. His voice, his gentle touch when he held me, his kisses, smile, even his beard and mustache. Til August he was just my boyfriend til he propose an engagement than. I cried so much when he asked me. I didn't even sleep at all that night cause i was so happy and i couldn't believe that happened. I was so happy til my family found out. They ruined it all for me but guess what. I'm still engage to this wonderful, amazing, loving man. At first he was a friend than my boyfriend. Now my fiance and in a few years my husband and i cant wait to call him that. Next month i get to see him again. And i can't wait to have our first dance together. I hope the DJ will take requests. "the man that cant be moved" by The Script and "check yes, Juliet" by We The Kings. These songs represent our feeling for one another and about our love. I only wish i was there sooner and didn't have to wait for next month.