Ð e r e kx Ʌ t t i c u sxɌ e y n o l d s
T h ex ♬ xE g o t i s t i c a lx ♬ xM u s i c i a n
- Username: V i n c exxM a t t h e w s
Character Name: D e r e kxxR e y n o l d s
Gender: M a l e
Age: T h i r t y - F o u r
Nationality: C a n a d i a n
Race/Ethnicity: C a u c a s i a n
Sexuality: H e t e r o s e x u a l
Appearance: Even as a man in his mid-thirties, Derek manages to always look exceptionally young. He stands at 5'11" and is built relatively slender with a toned shoulder and chest musculature. His most notable trait is his thick, unruly hair (normally of a dark, chocolate shade) with an accompanying beard-- be it merely a layer of short stubble or a drastic goatee. Derek's skin is fairly dark for a man that spends a great deal of time composing music inside, so his collection of scars appear to be more prominent due to their light pink coloration. His most striking marks are the clusters of crater-like circles along his right side that he claims are from gunshot wounds.
Personality: Derek has an arrogant air about him, always behaving as though he is the most talented pianist the world has ever known-- in all fairness, he is very skilled at the achromatic instrument; however, he is simply a cruise ship entertainer, nothing more and nothing less.
Despite his pompous exterior, Derek has a soft side for those that succeed in convincing him that he/she is worthy of his trust. He is exceedingly loyal toward his closest friends, but can be relatively skeptical and snide around people that he does not know personally. When in the company of attractive women, he can adopt a charismatically charming disposition for his own gain.
Derek is tremendously smart for a college dropout, knowing a great deal about math and literature.
Occupation/Trade: Derek is a musician and is able to play piano, guitar, saxophone, and the drums. He can also sing proficiently.
Skills/Abilities: Besides his instrumental and vocal expertise, Derek is an outstanding tree-climber, capable of scaling nearly any type or shape of tree. He can also hold his breath for a tremendously long time.
Bio/Reason for being on board: As mentioned before, Derek is an employee of the cruise-liner. Years ago, he was barely scraping by amongst the homeless in east-side Vancouver, earning petty amounts of money by picking away at his cheap, acoustic guitar. To his surprise, one member of a local band noticed his technique and recruited him as their newest addition. After playing with the classic rock group for two years, he began to tinker about with a secondhand keyboard, eventually swaying him to dedicate all his time with the intriguing instrument. A year later, the band broke up, but Derek was not prepared to relinquish his place beneath the spotlight. The deceptively talented musician accepted various gigs at local bars until hitting rock-bottom, where he resorted to alcohol in order to solve his issues.
Some time passed before Derek was confronted by an ex-bandmate, whom had scored a position as an entertainer for a cruise ship and had requested that the washed-up pianist join her as a duet. Desperate, Derek seized the opportunity. He has performed every evening on the same luxury liner ever since.
"I may seem talented, but... Oh right-- that's because I am."xx
"I may seem talented, but... Oh right-- that's because I am."xx
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