Hi hi everyone! Today a few lovely artists will be featured in my diary!
The first will be an adorable couple image my best friend CantUnderstand sent me and my hubby for our anniversary! She commissioned it from the artist I3 E A S T G I R L with our everyday avatar's. I think it's absolutely adorable with its super cute chibiness and Kiboda's flying pig Princess
The next artist, Dark Divined, has created an absolutely, adorably, wonderful picture of Vixy and Kiboda together relaxing together! I just love the fun satin-y background and the way she made Kiboda look so dashing! (And aren't my curls luxurious??)

This next picture got me pretty excited too! Its a lovely chibi style picture by Lunaric Sun! I love how she drew me falling into Kiboda's arms (even though I have wings lol). The fact that she also took the time to add both our pets to the final piece feels really special to me!

All these artists are wonderfully talented and helped me make something very special for my first month anniversary! Each one will be featured as posters above my headboard, and in a picture book I'm going to have printed for my first year anniversary! I want to extend my gratitude to each and every one of them, and remind them that they are very special and very loved!