When Traci Harding used the phrase, 'the dead carcass', I knew I was up for a challenge. I don't think I've ever circled anything in red pen in a library book before. As opposed to, for instance, 'the live carcass'?? Geez.
Nelle recommended The Ancient Future to me as a deep read with ties to science fiction, quantum physics and metaphysics. Maybe you were on drugs when you read it, Nelle?
This book reads like Mary-Sue fanfiction. Shallow writing, dreadful dialogue with out of place 'thees' and 'thous', cardboard-cutout characters (all the good characters are incredibly beautiful, the evil ones ugly and wrinkled). The whole premise of the book is ridiculous. Essentially, it's a trashy romance. And yet, it has this incredible fan following! WHY??? The main character, Tory, is a young Australian black belt who luckily speaks ancient Welsh. She is magically zapped into Celtic Britain and falls in love with The Prince.
Sounds just like my first and only Legolas Mary-Sue. Mary-Sue is pretty and has l337 skills; she falls into Middle-Earth, falls in love with The Elf Prince.
Only, my writing as a thirteen-year-old was marginally better because I 'showed rather than told'. Some of the time.
Here's some mixed reviews from others. Some have been 'enlightened' by Harding's books, but most realise she's just beating a dead carcass.