The wind howled, as the pair rushed through the mountains. “Shiro! Keep on his trail! Don’t let him get away!” The hunter called out as his partner rushed ahead of him, hunting the great demon of a Pokemon who was taking over an area with brute force. He had to be stopped, and if this was the only way to do it, so be it.
Shiro was a massive Arcanine, as the hunter followed armed with more then just his own powers. The human weapon of a gun was held in his hands as he charged after the Arcanine, they had to take this Demon of a Pokemon down, before more damage was done to the citizens of the city...
A howl went out from Shiro as the trail got fresher, and the two stopped searching for the source as a perfect team, then it happened. The demon lunged out of no where, and tried to kill both of them in one felled swoop. But luckily, both Shiro and the hunter knew how to react, they moved as a unit, the hunter with his gun, locked and loaded and Shiro latched onto the demon’s shoulder making the beast rear up and give the hunter an opening.
The bullet was fired, and went right into the eye of the monster, but it couldn’t have been as simple as that, and both Shiro and the hunter knew it. The bullet had blown out the right eye, and damaged the nervous system of the demon, but the demon was not through with the pair yet.
With Shiro’s fang still latched into his body, the demon swiped, and removed the ear and skin of the hunter from the right side of his face, before Shiro and the demon both vanished over the side of the cliff, falling down to what the hunter had thought was their deaths...
He heard the last cry of Shiro, but then a horrible sound, the monster of a Pokemon was getting up again, and lumbering off after the huge fall down the cliff...
The cry of Shiro’s name echoed throughout the entire area, as the hunter cried out for his partner.. Wishing nothing more then to be able to help him further. The Hypno finally understood, and stood up as he swore an oath, that he would help to kill that demon b*****d if it was the last damned thing he did!
Years passed, and a partner who finally matched Shiro’s strength had come along. He was a powerful Pokemon known far and wide as ‘Riki’. Gohei and Riki worked well together, and even when Riki was off in the village with his mate, Gohei worked on tracking the massive demon. Riki knew that nothing they could do alone would stop the demon, and most Pokemon had just stopped trying and would cower and hide from the demon, but that just couldn’t be allowed.
Fuji was a Blaziken in the area, a beautiful one with curves that were to die for, and Riki adored her. It wasn’t a shocker to the village when Fuji said she needed to mind her eggs instead of go outside in the snow. Riki had been so proud, and promised he would be there for their hatching, but then disaster struck.
The demon Pokemon attacked Gohei’s hut, high up on the mountain, and the hunter was in terrible shape but he refused to back down. Riki went to his side, and was thrown over the same cliff Shiro had been before him after a long, hard struggle.
Fuji, down in the village, heard the news with tear filled eyes, before she saw the eggs were hatching and went to be next to them when a bloody and battered Gohei entered the house. Out of all the eggs came small Torchic’s, but one was very different. That one had a small silver mark on his back, and that was the one Gohei grabbed.
Fuji had been about to object, when Daisuke, the owner of the house pulled her close and told Gohei to make that Torchic a great Pokemon, like his father had been. Gohei agreed, and limped off into the mountains towards his shattered home.
A month later, Fuji was feeding her children lunch outside, the spring time weather felt wonderful on the fire types skin, as she minded to her children. Then she saw the pair of them coming into town for the first time in a month.
One she knew right away, Gohei the Hypno, with his beat up body and walking stick. But the other... the other was a Combusken. For a long moment she just stared, and then she brought her hands up to her face as she understood. That Combusken was her son, the son Gohei had taken away just a bare month ago.
Already the fire/fighting type looked strong enough to kick some major a**, and Fuji could see in his eyes a desire to become great. She couldn’t help it, she started to cry. The other kids shh’ed her, and so did Daisuke, as she just looked at her son, how could she have let this happen?!
Then Gin did something wonderful, he came up to his mother and hugged her. “Hello mother.” He said with a smile on his face, as she held him close while Gohei watched a bit carelessly. He didn’t care much for interactions, unless they were on the battle field.
Shiro was a massive Arcanine, as the hunter followed armed with more then just his own powers. The human weapon of a gun was held in his hands as he charged after the Arcanine, they had to take this Demon of a Pokemon down, before more damage was done to the citizens of the city...
A howl went out from Shiro as the trail got fresher, and the two stopped searching for the source as a perfect team, then it happened. The demon lunged out of no where, and tried to kill both of them in one felled swoop. But luckily, both Shiro and the hunter knew how to react, they moved as a unit, the hunter with his gun, locked and loaded and Shiro latched onto the demon’s shoulder making the beast rear up and give the hunter an opening.
The bullet was fired, and went right into the eye of the monster, but it couldn’t have been as simple as that, and both Shiro and the hunter knew it. The bullet had blown out the right eye, and damaged the nervous system of the demon, but the demon was not through with the pair yet.
With Shiro’s fang still latched into his body, the demon swiped, and removed the ear and skin of the hunter from the right side of his face, before Shiro and the demon both vanished over the side of the cliff, falling down to what the hunter had thought was their deaths...
He heard the last cry of Shiro, but then a horrible sound, the monster of a Pokemon was getting up again, and lumbering off after the huge fall down the cliff...
The cry of Shiro’s name echoed throughout the entire area, as the hunter cried out for his partner.. Wishing nothing more then to be able to help him further. The Hypno finally understood, and stood up as he swore an oath, that he would help to kill that demon b*****d if it was the last damned thing he did!
Years passed, and a partner who finally matched Shiro’s strength had come along. He was a powerful Pokemon known far and wide as ‘Riki’. Gohei and Riki worked well together, and even when Riki was off in the village with his mate, Gohei worked on tracking the massive demon. Riki knew that nothing they could do alone would stop the demon, and most Pokemon had just stopped trying and would cower and hide from the demon, but that just couldn’t be allowed.
Fuji was a Blaziken in the area, a beautiful one with curves that were to die for, and Riki adored her. It wasn’t a shocker to the village when Fuji said she needed to mind her eggs instead of go outside in the snow. Riki had been so proud, and promised he would be there for their hatching, but then disaster struck.
The demon Pokemon attacked Gohei’s hut, high up on the mountain, and the hunter was in terrible shape but he refused to back down. Riki went to his side, and was thrown over the same cliff Shiro had been before him after a long, hard struggle.
Fuji, down in the village, heard the news with tear filled eyes, before she saw the eggs were hatching and went to be next to them when a bloody and battered Gohei entered the house. Out of all the eggs came small Torchic’s, but one was very different. That one had a small silver mark on his back, and that was the one Gohei grabbed.
Fuji had been about to object, when Daisuke, the owner of the house pulled her close and told Gohei to make that Torchic a great Pokemon, like his father had been. Gohei agreed, and limped off into the mountains towards his shattered home.
A month later, Fuji was feeding her children lunch outside, the spring time weather felt wonderful on the fire types skin, as she minded to her children. Then she saw the pair of them coming into town for the first time in a month.
One she knew right away, Gohei the Hypno, with his beat up body and walking stick. But the other... the other was a Combusken. For a long moment she just stared, and then she brought her hands up to her face as she understood. That Combusken was her son, the son Gohei had taken away just a bare month ago.
Already the fire/fighting type looked strong enough to kick some major a**, and Fuji could see in his eyes a desire to become great. She couldn’t help it, she started to cry. The other kids shh’ed her, and so did Daisuke, as she just looked at her son, how could she have let this happen?!
Then Gin did something wonderful, he came up to his mother and hugged her. “Hello mother.” He said with a smile on his face, as she held him close while Gohei watched a bit carelessly. He didn’t care much for interactions, unless they were on the battle field.