Anda y el sexo XD |
Mmmm... this journal will include all the crazy thing I think off and do... so prepare yourselves :XD |
Community Member
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 @ 05:06pm
a womans' geography
This entry is dedicated to all the women and specially to my dear friend Irene!!! ( A ver si pasas por aki y me dejas algun comentario xd ) So let's get started : Between 18 - 20 years old, women are like Africa: half discovered, half wild of natural beauty and very fertile. Between 21-30 years old, women are like America: good developed with an open market, specialy for the rich ones xd . Between 31-35 years old, women are like India: very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty. Between 36-40 years old, women are like France: she gets older with delicay but it's a warm and desirable place to visit. Between 45-50 years old, women are like Yugoslavia: she lost the war, marked by her past mistakes and needs a massive recontruction xd . Between 51-60 years old, women are like Rusia: very wide. Her cold climate keeps people away xp . Between 61-70 years old, women are like Mongolia: with a glorious past full of conquests but without a future. More than 70 years old, women are like Afganistan: everybody knows where it is but no one wants to go there xd .
Since there's a woman geography, there's also one for the men but it's not so complicated xd Between 15-70 years old, men are like Irak: led by a d**k head xd .
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 @ 07:14pm
First of all I want to welcome you all to my journal 3nodding . I hope you have fun reading all the things I'm gonna put here xd , I'm saying this because all the things I'm gonna put here will be crazy things me and my friends think and do, I'm just warning you xd xp . In second place, I'm going to start by introducing myself ( yeah, I know I did that in my profile stare ); hey this is Alexandra, Anda aka Draculina for friends xd . I'm 20 years old and I live in GIRONA heart in Spain, Girona is the capital heart ... I know, I know right now you are thinking WTF? o_O Isn't Madrid the Capital of Spain?... well unfortunately it is crying but Girona is much better than Madrid stare ... whatever... I'm studying tourism and I'm planning to travel aroud the world if I win the lottery xd wish me good luck xd ... or if I marry a very very rich old man that will die misteriously and leave me all his fortune xd ... NOOOO, NOOO baby I'm just kidding you know you're the only one for me heart 4laugh . My two best friends are as crazy as I am and they sure will coment something specially Airin eh? xd . I like dancing and listening to music, manga and anime, talking about sex, PINK (the best colour ever whee ) and totaly love my baby David heart . That's it for now, I'm not very inspired ... xd .
Take care wink
Community Member