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D-wa sent 12/22/2007 3:21 PM:
oh well i just got back from mcdoanlds wahtsup?
Chelsea says:
i was tkaing a anp
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
Chelsea says:
ah! i cant type
Chelsea says:
what are you up to?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
lolnot much here just got odne eating. bouta shower here in a sec.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
pretty much i feel nasty lol but i got told i smelt good.
Chelsea says:
thats a good thing
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i know right lol. well im bored.
Chelsea says:
i know the feeling ><
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
not a good on.e
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
a boring one.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
it blows
Chelsea says:
yes and myspace is only amusing for so long
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
tru taht
Chelsea says:
today has gone by really slow too
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea taht for sure. i had to do some work then sit around and its been shitty./
Chelsea says:
that sums up my day
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i see i see. well at least there siomething to do tonight.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:

sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
heh but im bout to shower and stuffs ill try and be back on peaces
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:

sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
u thurr?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
alrighty lol guess not but yea i dunno if ill be back on if im not ill see u at like 6 30 or something seeya dearest.
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
sorry i was in the other room

sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
whats up?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
not much just got back from st luis.
Chelsea says:
what did you do there?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
my friend had to drive there for his boss and i thought id keep him company.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea. what have u been doing?
Chelsea says:
i had to have christmas at one of my granparents earlier
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
oh. u get anything good?
Chelsea says:
$50 and a dorky shirt
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
50 bucks sounds good tho.
Chelsea says:
yes lol
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
so we down tomoro?
Chelsea says:
yes 645?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yes ma'am
Chelsea says:
i think brittani and i are going to go to pizza hut afterwards
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
alrighty. thats cool. well prolly come if its cool with u guys but im not 100% on taht.
Chelsea says:
mkay thatd be fun
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
sure will lol..
Chelsea says:
if so we plan on walking so fair warning
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
lol walking why walking?
Chelsea says:
well we cant drive and its not that far
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
we can lol. if my dood gos.
Chelsea says:
psh fine
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
u know if u guys wanted to hitch a ride lol. we might let u guys get a ride
Chelsea says:
maybe lol
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
Chelsea says:
who are you bringing?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
guy named garrick
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
he was at the game with me
Chelsea says:
i think i remeber
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea hes short.
Chelsea says:
ha how tall is he?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
like 5 3 5 2
Chelsea says:
ha thats how tall brittani is
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea lol are u taller than her
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
Chelsea says:
no >< im only 5
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
short ppl are awesome
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
np lol, but yea i have this thing were i cant date a chick if shes like evfen close to being taller than me. just thought id say taht for no reason at all. i dunno i guess that just shows how much i liek short ppl.
Chelsea says:
nice it made me laugh
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
hah. thats good.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
hmm im bored i think im about to go chill sumwere ill prolly be back laters ill talk to u then?
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
ok seeyas

sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
well hellurr. i got bored/
Chelsea says:
ha good no ones on
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha same here
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
what u up too?
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
just sitten here.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
got sdoen watchign a movie
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
what movie?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i dont even kno the name.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
it was one abotu t4 ineracial brother that reunite to find their moms killer.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
was it "scary"
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
sorta like alot of shooting.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea lots of it. lol. fake blood and what not.
Chelsea says:
when i went and saw awake i thought i was going to throw up ><
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
was it real bloody?
Chelsea says:
very then they were like "oh there goes a rib that will hurt tomarrow"
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
lol. sounds kik a**.
Chelsea says:
it was a sad movie
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
why what happened?
Chelsea says:
"the love of his life" was in it to kill him and his mom dyed to save him
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
poor homie.
Chelsea says:
it was really good though
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
well thats good.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
guh im boredd!
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i had to crawl to the computer. my sister started laffing at me
Chelsea says:
ha! i just had a mental picture of that
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
lol lovely huh?
Chelsea says:
oh yes
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
lol. well there is this picture. that u may have took. im thinking u did cuz its in your thing that says pictures taht rock and ima copmment it cuz its really really really kik a**.
Chelsea says:
thank you :]
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
its really good.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
you sdhould go pro in picture taking
Chelsea says:
im entering some in the mt. verin art show
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
well u should. ur hella god with pictures. i just found another one that is really good too. u gots some talent gurl.
Chelsea says:
thank you
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
np but seriously. did u go to the dear festival?
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
hmm didnt see u.
Chelsea says:
ha what day did you go?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
the night of the dear queen thingy.
Chelsea says:
ah yes i was there ALL day it was boring and that night i had stuff to do after it ended
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
ohh. we just stood arund for a minute. i was with kc rose. my cuzz.
Chelsea says:
hes funny
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea he is crazy lol.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
he messed his ankle up bad a month ago about so i suppose it runs in the family.
Chelsea says:
ha i saw that it made me laugh
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
u laffed lol thats bogus lol.
Chelsea says:
no one else found it funny either
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha it sucks.
Chelsea says:
im sorry
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
its all good.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
nothing to be sorry bout.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
welp. i think ima try and sleep again
Chelsea says:
mkay, good night
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
nighty night

sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
well helloo there.
Chelsea- we have nothing better to do! says:
ha hey
Chelsea says:
would saturday work?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
it hsoudl.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
Chelsea says:
yes hopefully, sam and sarah are officaly an iteam >< which is weird
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha how is it wierd?
Chelsea says:
sarah is the oppiste of sam
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
oh. well opposites attract?
Chelsea says:
ha yes sometimes
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
so like yea i do really know u that well. I cant remember if i have already asked u but what do u like to do and junk? hobbies?
Chelsea says:
it really depends on who im with
the normal, listening to music, movies, internet, and i love to take pictures
Chelsea says:
what about you?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
thats cool. pictures are the s**t. haha. well i do all kinds of crap. writing, singing, guitar, (sadly) i dance lol. ummmm im addicted to the internet. i used to sk8board ALOT but im mroe focused on school and everything that involves playing and writing music
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha a novel.
Chelsea says:
dancing can be fun >< thats cool, my friend has a band
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea i dont liek the dancing lol. but im stuck in it sorta. a band who might that be?
Chelsea says:
jesse taber im not sure if their sticking to it though i dont tal to him much anymore to know
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
are they from pope? thats cool. yea its hard really hard to stick to it. we had one me and my other lead guitarist but it just wasnt worth it.
Chelsea says:
yeah they are. yes they had one over the summer but something happen with the bass player
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
ahh i see were they good?
Chelsea says:
ha they were okay but they had room to improve
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea we all do. haha. thats why the other one broke up. its hard to get good at instruments and they find them. sam sais hes pretty god witht hte drums.
Chelsea says:
yes he is
Chelsea says:
he plays for marching band ><
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
gah i cant spell. yea i havent got to hear him but im eager. haha yea he said he did. he also told me they were sposed to play at the homecoming but i see that didnt happen.
Chelsea says:
my friends make fun of me for my misspellings
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha. misspellings is no fun i get mad cuz i usually type good lol.
Chelsea says:
oh i can butcher any word
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
lol lovely. i like meat haha.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea that was lame
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
buit its all good.
Chelsea says:
so what bands do you like?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
wow too many
Chelsea says:
ha i know how that is i just name the 5 i listened to last
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha thats funny.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
my all time fav is nirvana tho
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i make that a point
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
but i listen to alot of new stuff now.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
but i like almost every genre
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
however u spell it.
Chelsea says:
heh i go from scary kids scarying kids to hannah montana
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha thats funny
Chelsea says:
most people think so
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
ophh yes it is haha. i assure u. but yea i liek some rap all rock (mostly) screamo what ever u cant think of. a lil country but not much. ummm etc?
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea. hmmm im really bored
Chelsea says:
as am i
Chelsea says:
but i think im going to superglue tons of pennies to someones car later
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
wow. lol
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
thas different. never heard of anyone doing that lol.
Chelsea says:
ha its because theguy im doing it to went around gluing pocket change on everything so aha
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
lol who is it?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
im sur ei have no clu im nosy
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
that sounds fyun tho.
Chelsea says:
trevor thomson
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
well i do kno him.
Chelsea says:
he was 15 on the jv team im sure that doesnt help though ><
Chelsea says:
oh you do?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea i know him
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i member him
Chelsea says:
yeah he's an odd one
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha how?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
ccuz he glus s**t everywere? haha.
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
hes just him
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
oh well i guess that sais it all i didnt really know him to well. dunno if he liked me back in the day.
Chelsea says:
i didnt really know him until this year
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
ohh i see. well hes in ur sisters grade riight?
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
thought so. thats how i know of him.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
cuz brett
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
my sis
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yes ma'am
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
so do u got scvhool tomoro?
Chelsea says:
no i took my last exam today so im out until jan. 2
Chelsea says:
what about you?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i was out wednesday i didnt take exams. i got exempt. i think we go back the third
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
chea. so sat day, at teh movies correect
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
as far as i know
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
alrighttyyyy. u gunna bring friends? cuz if u do i might as well lol.
Chelsea says:
icould bring one
Chelsea says:
what do you want to see?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
whatever u wanna see. dotn matter to me. well i dont mind its up to u lol, so friends or no friends?? that dont matter to me either.
Chelsea says:
i'll just bring one friend
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i dont even know whats in right now.
Chelsea says:
the golden compass, i am legend, the mist, and awake
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
hmmmm i anm legend looked cool no idea what the gold compass is and i think i may have seen previews for the mist and awake. hah u got htenm down/
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
!!!!!!!!! i cant spell
Chelsea says:
i looked it up online
Chelsea says:
awake was good but gross
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
oh well snap. thats what i was abotu to do until u told me.
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
there are some others like enchanted but i kinda doubt youd want to see that
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
if u wanted to see them i dont care.
Chelsea says:
well my friend has already seen i am legend and ive seen awake
Chelsea says:
but she said she wouldnt care to see i am legend again
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha whatever works for u guys. who is going with u?
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i think i knwo who ur talking about.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
alrighty thats kelwness.
Chelsea says:
idk what the times are
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
it doesnt say on the thing?
Chelsea says:
it was screwed up it just showed what was playing i
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
ohhh well hold on one sec ill check real fast.
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
its being hella slow
Chelsea says:
dail up?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
nah i just say its slow if it takes mroe than like 5 seconds to load
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
Chelsea says:
nice i die when i go to a friends who has slow internet
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
lolme too.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i cant ever get on it but harrisbrug everything playuing it sais::: Alvin and the CHipmunks Enchanted GOlden Cmpass and I AM legend. i dunno. i think im on the right page maybe they havwent changed it
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
u can choose
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha uh uh. u can pick i never pick
Chelsea says:
thats really funny because i never do either my friends do even if i hate the movie
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha thats cool. one time we didnt go because i didnt want to pick.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yesmsss so brittani can pick i suppose
Chelsea says:
ha she told me to but ill make her
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha. sweet balls wellllllll. my foot hurts!
Chelsea says:
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i came down on it and popped it outa oplace today
Chelsea says:
eh sounds painful
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
yea it hurt. i cant really walk rightnow so it sucks
Chelsea says:
i bet [she chose i am legend]
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha u talking to her on msn?
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
well it starts at 6 45
Chelsea says:
yes, and okay i'll have to check and see if thats okay
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
alrightyyy. jus tlemme know.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
Chelsea says:
mkay i will when i find out
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
kk. so u dont like pope much?
Chelsea says:
aha! its pretty, yet boring, and some of the epople here make me crazy
Chelsea says:
but its okay
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha sounds wonderful.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i told sam to tell everyone im not gay.
Chelsea says:
Chelsea says:
coming from him it wouldnt mean much
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha why u say that? poor sam.
Chelsea says:
his freinds [who are awesome] like dakota always walks up behind people but their always guys and starts rubbing them >< people think its weird but hes an awesome guy
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
dakota, yea i member that dood. hah i member a sleep over thing he had. thats the fun kinda ppl tho. soudns like ppl there cant take jokes.
Chelsea says:
not always
Chelsea says:
but that can make it funnier
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i see i see. lol. yea.
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
i dunno im getting hella bored tho. im head off here. if u wanna talk or sumthing im 926 0943.
Chelsea says:
ha im not good with the phone
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
haha. alrighty. well was just suggesting. heh. but i think ima get off ehre.
Chelsea says:
okay i may call bye
sk8erballs@hotmail.com says:
alright. latersss dearest.

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