bombdiggity |
pretty much, i'll be posting a zillion pictures and random things that no one cares about. enjoy! |
Community Member
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 @ 03:43am
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 @ 09:33am
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 @ 06:15am
Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 @ 06:53am
ahhh sunburns are the absolute worst! gonk i feel like i'm paralyzed. i can barely move my arms. i bet my armpits stiiiink. ewww. we went to raging waters yesterday, and it was around 119 degrees. so ouch.
in other news, i've decided that i am moving to new jersey. because i hate it here in so cal. i hate the weather, i hate the environment, i hate the people. yes, i AM an attention whore. i'll admit it. there's no denying it. and when i don't get enough attention, it really bums me out. it's because i over-analyze things. but whatever. if you're my friend, you know how i am. and you should know that i feel like i did something wrong when you don't want to talk or hang out with me. i can understand if you're busy, but all the time? bull.
ew. that turned into a rant. stressed anyway, i'm moving to new jersey because i'm not motivated enough here. and i think that if i go to new jersey, i'll be more motivated to get my life in order. get a job, school, maybe even get a boyfriend if my brain stops fritzing. heh.
i'll be leaving around october, at least that's the plan so far. but i may stay until december, so i can be here for my jeffypoo's burfday. him's my best buuuddy. 3nodding
argh my back hurts. i am done. imma have me some dr pepperrrr. heart heart heart
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 @ 05:39am