There will always be those of usefulness to the intentions of others. By the mercy one of the surviving of the observations is spared of indignities chains. His transgression of deed, that the multitude would make a choice to that of even one to be prideful in ignorance. I saw within them as we each a similar though they will understand, they will act prideful though the world commits a greater peace of itself more than acknowledge truth from within.
I saw them in my vision, a culture of each to a true courage, my vision blind among me now because much in their eyes have changed to I rest my gaze to that of realities chains are broken. It is not by my experience alone but to understand our maker to those who we pursue. To understand the things life fails to acknowledge or be unfamiliar, is life's greatest challenge besides its attribute shredded or defined - even among that of purity.
For me I was forced to make an option though I blast sometimes, it notices how truly stressed one can be under pressure, but shows indulgence due to peaceful living if so others be hypocritical and untrue. Mankind is an argumentative creature less they see before their eyes and notice a purpose to sanity, but truly the individuals are good with the core.
Lessons taught me of two sides and not to the death does one repent because life failed to acknowledge likeliness and morals to where the world will only repeat or be shamed. In their action they only repeat the idol-ism of mankind's talents and power with wealth compared truly to the truth disregarding lives that were before, during, and after.
Such was the way as love grew into a hatred or cold. But I realized in my time alone, I was not, we each are blessed with someone. For a maker of patterns and philosophy, brought forth and stolen my vision at great consequence of desire. It was to see love in someone else disregarding my failure to attempts to do so.
Rather than steal it, it gave me. What usefulness was I if my work could not be shared among them the wicked and the pure? Thus, life would understand all answers before me, but did they value each one a truth rather than the lies or corruption? Others truth of their history redefined to blast a single of people rather than themselves for the emptiness of cause.
Some refuse to leave home due to laziness, others life safety, and others got not the chance and were stereotype among kin. Life accuse not justly the criminals without supply as to care for each man. The wicked will truly cause a man to stumble rather than walk along in truth.
Truly they shall not remember me as that of many others. And even if they did, would I want them to remember? The answer is not so but vague the pain. As the truth is meant to heal and not for the reputation of myself besides one totality to increase over us each. As I had decreased to the max, honoring that which gave me a vision to be aware of life though not so has brought me sadness when blind. Each in the back of my head so, yet the mind does not know skill or talent, or power. For what holds me close is that compassion. And life will fail to see because of itself, it is those cruel who need more punishment are not granted it over that which is peaceful. Such is the way of the world before the persecuted and the world is unjust in its accusation, hating goodness and protections for their cause.
The parents, they think of me as a slave because they know just to make someone feel useful, they make them do tasks. Though these are common chores, know that one must assert themselves to be prosperous. Rather let me decide my own future. As if one had a choice because that is selfishness in the heart or me to realize I am incapable. It shows truly how poor I am for not knowing the lessons compared to that which I once had opportunity. It shows them the truth can admit over the liar who is corrupt because life will defend life's reason, and the death the altar.
You could care more for a dog, no offense to the pet, but the human is a disgrace of nature. I saw myself divine not so, but a man to face against ego hypocrites. You cannot argue the media for they will have an intelligence not so to act it but blast in the groups. You cannot simply admit truth and expect people to understand unless they do and persecute for their simplistic means of selfish intentions. Better, show the evidence of each part, which life will cut before the face and not do.
Is how corruptness will see its way, and the world revert of both sides. It is simply their fault, the groups for the world's revert to slander and carelessness, yet they fail to understand unless it arises their door steps. The gale winds tell the sailor as lead the seas, but so is the strain of life to memory. Used as a metaphor, for I had not been over water nor has one flown. Remaining in the same place all the time can be a drag on the soul. The home should be no prison and life give more opportunity to others, but such is they have no services besides for the younger.
I cast forth their shadow at them in ignorance to show them how they had treated me. But the truth be told, I would hate more than myself unless one love and does not commit a violent action. It shows the nature of the beast that the cases are not just mental but pure lack of acknowledgement to care for the life over that of witness conditions.
Those who defend you, shall defend you no more for you had persecuted each. I shall blast the leaders in charge who did not care for its people. And the people shall not care for their own. But the integrity of each mankind has grown, and prosperous peace is their way. The cause they do not see nor did I see the death that should have been given of thee.
I shall admit, one is a protectorate and an author. But truth be told, I am a soul...
They have broken the faith. But mark my words, their truth to gain our principles and honor from their lack of care in a modern world. Not to be the slander without reason, life is justified among its kin for which I am that so.
My enemies, I curse them not for I have none or no man to woman remembers me. But the only failure is my spirit to not encounter. Time has passed for them the accused of wrongfulness. They die before mankind knowing their way. For I have no grudge in man, and life has its own decision to results to make influences among truth or falseness. With love I state in myself, you walk up to a man they will be scared online rather than off, for who was a stranger.
Though you would think, kids would act this way, compared to an adult. It is not for a child to see someone older who commits them or the vice, but that is regulation and safety. Sadly, those times where I was remembered unless I show off talents, nobody shall truly understand though they have been told with the truth. They refute the deeds to the talent and mind. Who among them was greater, it was they who at least cared and could express it.
I see the works among them will be lost, forever in dust. For what was my offering, and what was my justification by life? It was a lack of interference to that of the soul to mortify the deity to the falseness. For though one is an entity, indeed I shall claim no power as they the corruption. My power rest within you each a people to life itself.
When life becomes lazy, no matter what deed, the truth is they had proven me.
Correction - they had proven indeed their manner, as myself as those to we correct.
Regardless if wrong at some topics, they had proven the manner of our works.
And God would slash me to bits, but he is justified. The devil would kill for whom a Lord is not. And life would act its own way if so it were so evidential to the purpose for why it exist still knowing the structure of a world that remains stable and not so.
Their failure to acknowledge God and mankind of others leads to deprivation. The mankind has persecuted out of spite, with their projects and research. But they shall understand the meaning and failure of their deeds before truth over that of the laws of a system and many more as their so called groups. They are vulnerable yet strong, yet immortal not so. For where was life's morale? It was I seek your reason by knowing you, not because I want to, but seeing an observation of my mirrors.
I saw God in my dreams, not because I wanted to. But was it my choice or what led the heart. The truth is, seeking it I will not find it because it expects me to live truth. So I shall see as well as defend what is true among liars where life itself not to persecute - is so more prosperous than the truth that corrupts. For the truth that corrupts leads its presence among the liars to that of systematic vanities.
My intention in my work, to be an author and philosophical. Truth be told, I was a test subject among them therefore, I repay the favor as many as you took advantage on us. Yet, wealth is not what is desired of me, though life uses it a tool. Seek I reason to understand my ways therefore, justified am I for life's magistrate not knowing the laws or that consequence of false freedom granted.
For I live freedom that unto death till life cross, I will be satisfied. For consideration in life and patience was my virtue over that which others could not see because their vision be blind. I am knowing my tears as I type this, not able to cry because the emotion indeed was lost, unless one sees pain or true compassion not so ignorance.
Freedom is divined with virtue and purpose and life. They complete me.
Life will expect me to know more or less. But they the world has seen everything.
Will, life accept its greatest truth, or do they fail in a restart for the next?
So it shall be because the first were selfish in pride, and the ignorant took charge.
No longer the laws apply to the natural course of mankind stable but councils.
In the truth, I would council the good and the wicked, yet who among them traitorous, is many to I would expect it. Unless they are honest with themselves, therefore life be silent or merciful if so even to speak. Online it is easy, offline, it is harder. More vile their nature online, for there was nothing to the world besides entertainment and sickness. In thus, I have seen, yet avoided corruption.
The Lord protects his holy ones from the death for which others as me had witnessed. Even in their rest he heals them. So great is that foundation's hope.
My failure is to state to them, there is or was peace in you, therefore I am granted.
I had sought you, you fled from me, and so you had known your way. I therefore grasp my laziness and acknowledge my faults to that of courage, yet life must admit its skill. I had seen in those of great effort, but what indeed is my own?
I therefore write to them, an authorship of life where even others shall see. And that treasure, perhaps not mine yet granted, is indeed so for them. The foundation stone they understood and modern they taken to heart. Will they ever settle among a peace? It remains to be seen. I have challenged my ego, maybe not my blast, but what is my anger steered at more, is the life which notices its own harmed, thus it does nothing. Such is the intention of idolatresses.
I want no vain sacrifice. Nor shall my Lord hear to the slaughter of bloodlines and generations. In them, though life does or could do nothing, because it is scared or refused. I see among them, a repeat of the desert sand as so an observation. But the land laughs, and they have no greater purpose than violence. Uncultured swine yet intellectual fools. So, in that slander of a name blast they might give to the most deviant of sexual sickness a name call, such is their insult and intellectually shame among them. Cause they know not true peace or that satisfaction of freedom. For which is not granted by law as mankind but lessons.
Sometimes, life fails me. But it was my tiredness of doing absolutely nothing. Maybe I became blind, but in their stories, I see myself persecuted. The truth they admire not because they brought the pain among life and itself. The eyes of nations they cast on the innocent, and the fools commit to violence caused by the indulgence of leaderships and cruelties.
They had committed terror as other places crumble. And these people are to be punished before me.
The land of China and others - Your cause to kill the world. Disease
The land of the desert - Your terror on the land. War
The land of false freedom. - Falseness in the law system. False Christlike sacrifice.
I believe they shall bomb the desert as a solution but they will not do it. Because, it will result in the world hating a nation that was once free. But this is an opinion. Those people who fight will die and the people will be less safe. For the terror plots with our falseness of leadership. - The so called violence of mankind you elect.
As to screw up a nation. You will be punished before a council of Lordships.
The terrorism is alive, with the Taliban and thank you President Biden and media.
- The Americans thank you for it. - Land of so called freedom under law.
- The Desert - a foundation stone - of belief to persecuted lands of war.
- The administrations lie before the face of a single nation.
- Your people are fool of blood on your hands so they state to the world.
God and them have left our gaze, because the world refused its truth and that of its own people. But with those of peace and no intention it shall remain though I uncertain what say you others. Our people are up next for the slaughter, because they did not care, it will be your turn to fight. Now stand, O democratic of a false system that caused the issues of wars and shut the gates of peace. You among rebels, shall fight for a cause and wipe them before you but you are no greater than the world that caused your up-rise among that of corruptness. The peace shall blame a leader and shall return him the cause of a land's destruction to dust.
They voted him in, they can take him and more of the falseness in power out.
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Virtues Of Life
A Philosophy containing the values of mankind to reality and a story from perspective of my mind. But the truth is, others may have lived it, to memory of much remains. Conflicting is the thought and life of myself to mankind.
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