My Roleplaying Character
Name: Ceara Kuragi
Age: 22
Race: Vampire
Date of Birth: May 8th
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 160lbs
Clan: None
Element: Fire and Time
- Time allows her to stop time altogether or at least freeze others so they are unable to move as time passes on without them, leaving them ultimately open to anything though it requires an immense amount of energy and is often not able to last for long.
Theme Song: Imogen Heap - Glittering Cloud
Weapon: Katana and Ais Pistol
Occupation: Assassin
Personality: Interverted, proud, cautious, suspicious, mysterious. aloof.
Likes: Solitude.
Dislikes: Her vampire side.
Characteristics of Race:
- Drinking blood will help her body to heal faster and if she goes without blood for too long she'll become weary quickly. Also, by drinking blood of her prey, her body will begin to heal itself much faster then the human body and what can take days to heal can only takes minutes.
- Her rage can cause her to lose control and let her vampire, blood-lusting side, take control and she'll be unable to tell friend from foe.
-Inhuman speed and strength is a well known fact but only if the vampire is not extremely thirsty for blood or their power weakens.
Bio: Like most vampires, she was pulled into the darkened world against her will. Working as vampire hunter, a fragile human, knowing full well of the capabilities of her victim, she entered into the darkened house in the country. All the elecrticity was out and the setting seemed odd from the beginning but it was too late that she realized she was no match for her target and quickly, her took her, his fangs sinking into her tender neck as he began to drain her of her precious blood.
He would have sucked her dry if her partner hadn't come in after the long silence. Distracting the vampire, he sacrificed his life to save hers as the vampire drained him of most of his blood and left Ceara to burn from his poison, leaving the scene wounded.
Unsure of how many days dragged on, the venom working through her blood, burning her as she just laid on the floor, unable to move where she had collasped but it slowly began to fade, her strength renewed and stronger then before, her speed increased as well. Waking finally from her immobilized state she slowly rose, noticing the syringe on the floor beside her, the needle dirtied, the mark gone from her arm, but she knew she had received the antidote against the vampire's poison, but it hadn't been fast enough as it still overtook half of her being. She was still mortal, but her life was certainly prolonged, she craved blood, but she could live on food, her physical power and speed were faster then human, but week compared to a true vampire. Her partner had died to give her the antidote.
Leaving her unwelcomed life behind her, she had become half of what she had dedicated her life to hunting. Searching for an answer as she worked against her vampire side, strengthing her human half, her elemental possessing side of her as she became parted, no longer belonging to either race, scorned by both, she turned her back to the world and became an assassin.
Casual Wear: [ X ]
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Name: Shira
Age: 20
Race: Neko
Date of Birth: December 2nd
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 100lbs
Clan: None
Element: None
Theme Song: Gossip - Standing in the Way of Control
Weapon: Claws & teeth
Occupation: Thief
Personality: Outgoing, proud, Shy at first, curious, sly, deceptive, selfish.
Likes: Anything that's free
Dislikes: Being caged up or treated like an animal
Characteristics of Race:
- She has larger-than-normal sized canine teeth.
- Her hair seems to grow faster than normal humans and she has more strength then the typical person of her size.
- She can change to either form upon whim, the only problem is that when she transforms, her clothing usually tears so she generally keeps none upon her person. She is unabashed to be naked.
- Because she is full-blood, she can fall into the bloodlust state. Eyes will glow a crimson red color during this stage until it passes.
Bio: She grew up within a neko community, where cats of any age, generation, and species existed together. Some could transform, which were those who were pure blood neko, half breeds, those who's parents were a human and a neko, were unable to transform.
As time went on, Shira was always rebellious, wanting to spread her wings and escape. She hated being cooped up, hated the idea of going to school to gain an education for what? She loved the freedom and the harder her parents tried to detain her, the harder she fought until eventually she just left. Deciding to leave, she left behind all that she was, even her last name, losing all identity to the past life she no longer wanted to belong to.
Running away at age 17 she quickly picked up habits to become a thief, which when you transform into a panther, it can be rather easy to scare people away. She hates the idea of authority and lives life simply day by day, exploring the world, seeing everything she can and experincing all that she can.
Shira has always been one who is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she needs. She's not selfish in the need that she always wants to get her way, but she's not afraid to crawl and fight her way to the top.
The biggest weakness of being fullblood that Shira has is that she can sometimes fall into a bit of a bloodlust state. Depending upon her strength of control over herself, Shira is able to transform into her panther form but she cannot always control herself once she begins to spill blood. Almost like when sharks go into a feeding frenzy, biting and tearing apart anything around them, even if they end up wounding themselves or hurting those they love in the process. She is lost to the animal side of herself.
Transformed: Panther
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Name: Myra
Age: 24
Race: Human
Date of Birth: July 9th
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 145lbs
Theme Song:
Characteristics of Race: