Name- Magadon “Mags”
Race- Kwitzey “The Kwitzey are a race of shape changers that live on limbo (the plane of
Chaos) There society is one of complete order. There is a very strict cast system based around clans. In each city there are six divisions, five clans and everyone else. The clans control their position and have an almost complete monopoly on it. The five clans are the: Truken (builders) do to the constantly shifting nature of limbo they are always building or repairing the city. Baneray (soldiers) the cities of the Kwitzey are almost in a constant state of fighting be it from other Kwitzey cities, Slaadi, The Gith races, or the many other varied denizens of limbo. Hurlorn (Craftsmen) they are the forgers and artificers of the city making anything from a simple table to a highly enchanted weapon to an incredibly powerful engine of destruction. Uskeveran (Hunters) they are the thieves, assassins, hunters, and mercenaries of the city they specialize in capturing creatures and humanoids for the city to be used for forms/slaves. Taladiens (mages) the primary mages for the city. Cyrans (farmers/trader) provide most of the food for the city through trade and grown, primary merchants for the city. The unclaned include people from all races and disgraced members of the Kwitzey. Kwitzey cities are ruled by a council of Grandfathers who have undergone the Haderach transformation. This transformation is a magical ritual in which an elder member of on of the clans gets to an age where he is wise and powerful enough; he drinks an essence of pure chaos which he has to be strong enough to direct it. If successful they open up there mind to all of there ancestors past lives all there memories and all there powers. These Grandfathers rule the city putting there clans and families behind them thinking only for the good of the city. The Grandfathers are not aloud to have kids because children born of that union have all the powers but none of the knowledge to use it for the good of the city. The Kwitzey’s form changing ability is natural. The forms they are able to assume are passed down through there bloodlines. So Marriages are highly controlled within the clans and breeding between the clans is punishable by death, because all the clans have common forms but each one has unique forms that allow them to keep there monopoly. Forms are acquired by two ways first breeding if a member of the kwitzey breeds with another species there offspring and on down the line are able to assume any form of that race they can imagine. The second way is called a blood rights the being that the form is to be of is magically forced into the genetic memory of the species allowing any that are born from the kwitzey to assume the form of the being but only that specific being. The kwitzey have very long life spans going through several stages first there is there childhood which lasts 20 years, then they serve there clan in a minor way for 50 years, then they take there first life’s journey going out into another plane to adventure and hone there power this can last 10 to 50 years. Coming back he/she assume a higher position in there clan were they serve for 40 to 50 years. At the end of this period they take there second life’s journey out into the plane of limbo to fully understand the nature of chaos. The next stage in there life’s journey is they come back and work for there clan for 20 to 30 more years. Then they go on there final journey were they go out to find or perfect something unique to give to the clan can take up to 200 years. Finally they return to their clan to retire, take up a leadership position, or become a grandfather. They do not have to go through all the stages and can stop at any time but are not able to skip one if they want to advance. Kwitzey live for around 1500 to 1700 years old but if they become a grandfather they become immortal. You are never able to tell there age by looking at them because they could just assume a form that is younger than there age. As a Kwitzey ages they perfect there shifting more and more becoming able to mix forms the better at shifting the more forms. Kwitzey are naturally quick healers
Age- 420
Class- shifter/hunter Mags trained his shifting to an almost unprecedented level, and was an accomplished hunter in his clan. Mag’s has all of the power of one of the Haderach with the knowledge and power from the hunter clan and the artificer clan but none of the responsibility. Later studied and became a master Form Shaper
Background- Mags was born of an illegal union between his father from the Uskeveran clan who has just become a Haderach and his mother who was a Hurlorn. His father hid his mother while she was pregnant so they and the child would not be killed. Hiding in the plane of limbo she gave birth to Magadon who was born with all the power knowledge and forms of two great clans. Fearing discovery they had a spell cast on Magadon to lock away all those powers and memories of his ancestors. His farther then took his son back to the city and his mother returned to her clan. Magadon was raised by a foster mother who was the wife of his real father. At a young age he was shone to be a child prodigy mastering forms way before he should. At his twentieth birthday he joined his clan officially no longer a child. He served as a member of an 8 person hunting party that captured dangerous creatures for forms. He soon rose in prominence and was put in charge of his own group of eight. He led a pretty successful career. He had become a master hunter in his own right specializing in a strange chain weapon with a blade at the end. He then went on his first life’s journey. He traveled to the prime material plane were he joined an adventuring group known as the Black Talons out of Selgaunt. Traveling with this band he learned many things about the world. He remained with them till the entire original band had died or retired. Traveling back to his home city he was assigned a position in a slaving band. He quickly became very good at capturing and killing other creatures. After several years he was promoted to be the leader of his own slaving band. Serving successfully at that he was moved for a time to a mercenary company. He fought in several wars before he was ready to take his next stage of his journey. Traveling out into the plane of limbo he spent several weeks in meditation and just trying to survive. While out there trying to survive a Slaad Lord came across him. These fearsome beings that even the grandfathers fear when they are alone. He first sought to escape. But the Slaad Lord would not allow him to tormenting him. In his desperation the parts of his mind that were locked away opened giving him his full birth right. Power coursed through his veins He had the memories and powers of two full clans. Knowing he was still not strong enough to fight of this monster he did the only thing he could he fled. Shifting forms and blinking himself away. He got very lucky that day because the Slaad Lord became distracted by something else. On his run to escape he came across an ancient city. It was one of the lost cities of his people. In the city he discovered a strange building. Inside he fond tons of old lore, secrets about his people, he learned new powers of his people. He discovered the ancient rituals of his people, how to get new forms. How to do the blood rights ritual and an even stronger version of that ritual. Which allowed for the acquiring of new forms with all the items in there possession, and all of there spells instead of just there natural abilities. Continuing his search of the building he discovered that it was a temple of learning for a sect of his people that were called form shapers. These form shapers had discovered ways of using there innate powers to change themselves, others, even inanimate objects. The weaker members of the sect could change things temporarily to different forms, change its size, shape, nature, or makeup. The elders of the sect could do these things permanently and more the very fabric of reality could change in their hands. The elders were able to even change others that were willing into completely different things. He began to study this forgotten lore. He spent thirty years in the temple perfecting this lore eventually he had learned all that he could be taught in this Temple. From his studies he had learned of his people’s ancient empire which had stretched several planes. Planning to resurrect his people’s ancient empire he decided to travel the multiverse in search of more power, knowledge, and forms.
Appearance varies almost minutely he hates remaining in the same form for long but will do so if he has a reason.
Items- Cloth black sleeveless shirt and black pants
Bladed chain- a chain made of chaos metal (an unbreakable metal native to the plane of chaos immune to change) it has a foot long blade at the end and the chain part is made with very small links.
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