Yeah hey everybody it's me again. Anyways I'm still injured and out from wrestling I'm sad about that. But I'm writing about one thing this time so listen close cause I just happened friday night and I'm still loving the memories of it. For the ones who care I still don't have a girlfriend(yet), but now I have four girls in Maryland I'm talking to and three in my school one freshman two sophimores but one I don't think knows it. The one girl in Maryland that I was really feeling and was fully ready to ask out and knew she'd say yes cause her friends kept telling me to ask her out and stuff, all I wanted was to hang out with her one more time then ask her out. Well something I didn't plan on happening did .

Well this random chick Amanda called me up and said you don't know me, but I'm friends with Layla(close friend I known all me life use to have a crush on as a child) well we were only going as friends and I had no other plansso I said I would. All I can say is WOW!!!!!! and I'm not just talking about how hot Amanda was I mean she was hot, but just let me explain. I get there and I start off not dancing cause it was at someone else's school I only knew Layla and Amanda a little you know. Well once I started dancing I kind of keep to myself and about a half a hour of dancing something happened.

One of Layla's friends dragged her off then another I mean like every other minute this hapened for a while well then this one decent looking white girl just started dancing with me ok no biggy just dancing well. Aparently she though I was a great dancer and she was actually like the second best of them all(I'll explain how I know that in a minute). Well then that girl came up to me later and told me this girl on the other side of the room wanted to dance with me, but wanted me to ask well I just kept dancing where I was and then Amanda told me the same thing. But she was still dancing with someone else well I look a brake cause everyone I knew was to.

As I'm walking back on the dance floor this I see the Girl is by herself dancing again so I jumped in and danced with her and she was the best dancer in the whole place no lye(I'll tell you how I know that in a minute also) well the sound ends and she asks my name I tell it's MIKE what's yours? Well I thought she said Mellow it was really Camilla (I'll tell you how I know that in a minute too) well don't ask how I got those names confused, that music was loud as He!!. Anyway she kind of disappars for a while. Then Layla asked if I like that girl I was dancing with and I'm not going to lye she was hot as He!! and I was thinking about asking her for her number, but I told Layla that I didn't know I only danced with that girl once. Then we went back on the floor and she got drug off again.

I took a brake after a little while and when I get back out on the floor Amanda grabbed me and this girl (I have no clue who just one of her friends) well we dance and soon as she stops. Ths her asks me to dance so I danced with her the soon as she stopped another girl started dancing with me then at some point I had two girls in front of me and two behind me and I know I was the only guy that danced for that hour straight. Well anyways in that hour I danced with every white girl there(not being racised just the black girls didn't mess with me you know) that's how I know that that one girl was the best dacner and the other one was the second best.

Anyways I saw that Camilla was back from where ever and looked right at me, but saw I was dancing with someone and then she walked away. Well that happened a few more times then she finally walked up when no one was dancing with me and just started dancing and WOW!!!!!!she was great. After about four songs she took a brake and another girl started dancing with me and before one song was over Amanda came over and asked me if I liked her. I told her yeah and I planned on asking her for her number before the end. So she basicly drug me to her and she gave me her number and we took a brake for a while, but it was to loud to talk.

We went back out and danced for another twenty or so minutes and she was impressing everyone one when she shoke her hips and nother else for almost a whole song. I liked that mrgreen alot you know!! wink . Anyway her friend told her she had to go so we got a few pictures and she gave me a hug and said bye to her friends. Then she came back to me and gave me a kiss. What I didn't know it was her first kiss.

Anyways now I've been talking to her and I think I'm going to ask her out instead of the girl from Greensboro. We like a lot of the same things and she thinks I'm so hot and I know she is. She actually thinks I'm "perfect" her words not mine. She said she couldn't find anything wrong with me. Also what I found out is that the reason Layla was getting drug off the floor was her friends were asking about me and if I like Camilla. Also Saturday morning Layla told me she's never taking any one to a dance with her again cause her friends were calling her for my number all day. So if all goes well I'll end up with Camilla.

WOW that was long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hope you enjoyed