Okay well i needed to add so here I am adding to this here journal.
If this were a real journal it would just have a bunch of doodles and a few little
word and phrases, it would have much... well it might also have some month old
home work assiment in it but whatever. Most people have a journal to write their
thoughts in, whether its on the computer or on paper, i have a gaia journal and
scattered papers with little poems and doodels and stories...in my gaia journal i
just type some random thoughs and actions that pop into my head when I'm
writing its like the words guide me to make a poem or a story. I elize i don't spend
much time on this, but I have at least told you why, it's just another random thing i
do in my weird little world.
twisted That may make no sence to you but it kinda does to me.
YAY! Randomness!!
I once made up a story about two little monkeys who lived in my cracker house and how they got a parcel.(package) It was funny and stupid!!!
It's on a peice of paper somewhere
sweatdrop ........
ninja I am a ninja
ninja ninja cool ninjas are plaid, and tiny!!!!
If you are reading this you should go here
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/plaidninjas/They are awsome!!!
scream Hey you!......Ya you! Don't touch that button!.....No I said not to touch it!!
scream *