Okay, so I have way too much free time on my hands to be healthy. Fill in one of the provided forms and I will most likely draw a head-profile of your character. "Most likely" as in there are still many things I'm incapable of drawing decently.((By "profile," don't expect much more then the top half of your OC...))Please note that these will be by pencil and will likely not be colored...unless you ask nicely or promise a trade, in which I would put it into MS Paint and line/color it.---{Things I can't draw at all}---
1. Guys2. Armor3. Stuff resulting from mini-games and most inanimant objects4. Anybody over eighteen---{Forms}--- (
detail, please...like the neck/arms of the shirt, how big accesaries are, style of the hair, etc.)
(no color)Pencil...
My character's...
Eye style/size:
Hair style/length:
Jaw hieght:
Expression(preferably a text-face):Pencil, followed by MS Paint line/coloring (preferably only by trade)...
(colored)Pencil & MS Paint...
Free or do you want to make a trade?:
My character's...
Eye style/size:
Hair style/length:
Jaw hieght:
[removed](preferably a text-face):
Skin color:
Color or the lines: ---{Examples/Completed commissions}---
Niuya Huriaki,
[colored] |
[Lineart]Battle Royale,
[colored] |
[Lineart]Rose Moon,
[colored] |
![User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.](https://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/s.gif)
Three at a time; if the line's full, you could subscribe to the thread and come back later, but don't request until you see an empty spot here...And if you want multiple OCs, you gotta pay a random price for the rest.I can take as long as I like...though I promise it shouldn't be longer then a couple months at most.1. -2. -3. -(edit: please don't just put "me;" I'll need more info...
sweatdrop )
---{Free art/Trades}---
....Coming...someday (first time requesting art/art trades)My own character's info:
Jane Doe/MistAge: 15/16
(brown) turtleneckEyes: (gray) slanted, any size
(dark-brown with dark-green high-lights) straight-ish, just below waistJaw hieght: Low jaw, small-ish face
(Pale/yellow-ish) *maybe* a small bandage on the nose or cheek.Expression: confused(=s) or friendly(^^) or sweatdrop-py(^^; ) ...or any
(iffy) Vulcon ears---{And last but not least}---
I'd prefer you gimmi credit for the commissions.