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Same old same old, for now Random things that don't make sense

Community Member
do people even read these jornals, answer me that......well do they? burning_eyes

Only 30 years old. Average

1-23 -- Ghetto.
24-34 -- Average.
35-46 -- Spoiled
47+ -- Wayyy upper class. ( Rich! )

What do you have?

[x] Mother
[ ] Step-mother.
[ ] Step-father.
[x] Step-sister or half-sister.
[ ] Brother.
[x] Step-brother or half-brother.
[ ] Nephew.
[ ] Niece.
[ ]Cell phone.
[ ] Own bathroom.
[x] Own room.
[ ] Swimming pool.
[ ] Hot tub.
[ ] Guest room.
[x] Computer, Laptop or Desktop in your room.
[ ] TV in your room.

ToTAL: 7

[x] Full size or bigger bed.
[x] Watch.
[x] MP3 Player/iPod.
[x] Playstation
[ ]xbox
[ ] Dreamcast Sega.
[ ] Nintendo Wii .
[ ] Gamecube.
[ ] XBOX 360


[ ] Basketball hoop.
[ ] Air hockey table
[x] Pool table.
[x] Ping pong table.
[ ] Fooseball table.
[ ] Trampoline


[x] Nightstand.
[ ] stereo in bedroom.
[ ] DVD player in bedroom.
[x] Have something from abercrombie and fitch or hollister.
[ ] Ever Shopped at American Eagle.
[ ] Own a Gucci, Dooney & Burke, Coach, LV, Nine West, etc.
[ ] Wears Lacoste.
[ ] Parents give you credit/debit card.
[ ] Parents give you money everywhere that you go


[x] Job.
[ ] Goes shopping at least once a week.
[ ] Expensive cologne/perfume.
[x] AIM
[ ] Camera-phone.


[ ] Electric or gas scooter/motorcycle/car or quad
[ ] Guitar/Drums/Bass guitar/ukulele.
[x] Piano/Keyboard.
[ ] Any other instrument.
[x] Hammock.
[ ] Been on a cruise.
[x] Traveled out of the state.
[ ] Had a personal trainer.
[ ] Expensive jewelry.
[ ] Met someone famous/in a band.


[ ] Straightener/curling iron.
[ ] Have been to a batting cage.
[ ] Have $100 on you right now.
[ ] Credit card or atm card,debit card.
[ ] Been to Europe.
[ ] Been to Hawaii
[ ] Been to NY.
[x(I live in FL)]Been to Florida.
[x(orlando is only a 3 hour drive)] Been to Disney World.
[x] Been to Disney Land.
[ ] Been to Las Vegas.
[ ] Been to the Bahamas or Jamaica.
[ ] Been to South America.

TOTAL nOw: 24

[x] Parents have a car.
[ ]Jet Ski/boat.
[ ] Camper.
[x] Been to 5+states in the US.
[x] 100+ buddies on myspace
[ ] parents own more than one house


[x] Home cooked meal almost every day.
[ ]been in a Limo.
[ ] Been in a helicopter.
[ ] Own a camcorder.
[x] Own a laptop
[x] Have/Had 2 or more working computers in home. With Internet.


Now add it up.

Repost with # and what you are

Community Member

Community Member

[x] I think I'm gonna have a high score on this.
[ ] I don't talk to one or both of my parents that much.
[x] I have said horrible things to someones face.
[x] I give people disgusting looks a lot.
[x] I've been known to have an attitude.

total: 4

[x]I took heads off dolls or action figures when I was little.
[x] I have destroyed something valuable on purpose.
[ ] I love to insult people.
[x] Most people suck.
[x] I have thrown total tantrums.

total: 8

[x] I get mad easily.
[ ] I have no clue when I'm doing it
[x] Sometimes i order people around.
[ ] I am/was known around my neighborhood as the kid everyone else doesn't want their kids hanging out with.
[ ] I've argued with a teacher.

total: 10

[x] i could honestly care less about school.
[x] I love messing with other people's heads.
[x] i've been told im conceited.
[x] I joke around.
[x] I yell daily.

total: 15

[x] I don't like smiling but do anyways.
[x(more i have a list)] I know at least 3 people i would like to kill.
[x] i love pranking people
[x] I strongly dislike a lot of people.

total: 19

[x] people annoy me very easily
[x] I think some people are just flat out immature
[x] some people tell you your good at fighting.
[x] i've made people cry
[ ] you always have the perfect comeback

total: 23


23% fat HA i'm normal heart

under 16 you're anorexic, or close to it
17-40 your normal
41-over sorry your a fatty

stuff you have eaten/drank this week.

[x] water
[] orange juice
[] milk
[] soda
[] beer
[] champagne
[] any other alcohol
[] v8
[] raspberry tea
[] grape juice
[] cranberry juice
[] apple juice
[] capri sun
[] hi-c
[]chocolate milk
[] strawberry milk
[] coffee
[] lemonade
Total: 1

[] pizza
[x] Tacos
[] Burritos
[x] Rice
[x] beans
[] fries
[] lays
[] baked lays
[] subway
[]Burger king
[] McDonalds
[] wendys
[] checkers
[] ham
[] cheese
[] hot dog
[] chicken
[] turkey
Total: 4

[] rice/soy cakes
[]chocolate cake
[] vanilla cake
[x] other kind of cake
[] banana
[x] strawberries
[x] grapes
[] chocolate ice cream
[] vanilla ice cream
[] strawberry icecream
[] other kind of ice cream
[] spaghetti
[] fetuccini
[x] another kinda pasta
Total: 4

[] sushi
[] shrimp
[] lobster
[] crab
[] mac n cheese
[x] cookies
[] pork
[] snack cakes
[x] popcorn
[] top ramen noodles
[] crackers
[] tigger
[x] bread
[] marshmallows
[x] oats
[x] grits
Total: 4

[] peanut butter
[x] peanuts
[] sunflower seeds
[x] nuts
[] popsicles
[] eggs
[] bacon
[x] poptarts
[] doritos
[] fried chicken

[] pudding
[] cheesecake
[] arbys
[] hersheys chocolate
[x] granola bar
[x] mango
[] pineapple
[] peach
[] chicken sandwich
[] baked potato
[x] other fruit

grand total: 23

add together
then repost with --% fat

Community Member

Community Member
Stupid country girl with a hot body xp

What color of shirt are you wearing?

Purple=a little TOO happy
Gray= adorable
Pink= horny
Multicolored= sweaty
Nothing= funny

What kind of pants are you wearing?

Jeans= country boy/girl
ttiigghhtt jeans=emo
Ripped Jeans=slut
Camo=cage fighter
Sweats= gangsta
Bootieshorts=Sex Kitten
OTHER =retard

What color is your hair?

blonde= with hot boobs
black= with a sexy smile
dark brown=with a big p***s
red = that likes to have sex
brunette = with a hot body
dirty blonde= with a nice a**
brown= with sexy eyes
bald=with herpes...type 2...and bad
OTHER = who trys to be different



YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ninja rofl cheese_whine ninja rofl cheese_whine ninja rofl cheese_whine ninja rofl cheese_whine ninja rofl cheese_whine ninja rofl cheese_whine ninja rofl cheese_whine ninja

Community Member

Community Member
so this is what happened after I punched Jacob.
it was three minuets later, and I was sitting in the house admirations office. Getting the usual speech, about how this is a new school year, blah, blah, blah, suspended, blah, blah, call your mother, Blah, blah, blah. rolleyes
Twenty minuets later, I’m sitting in the front seat of the BMW, next to my step dad who is now going over the other speech about my behavior, my attitude, how this is a new record for me, Blah, blah, blah.
“Not less than five minutes into school and you get into a fight. Goodness Nell you need to learn how to control your temper.”
“Come on Jim,” I’ve always called my stepfather by his first name, even though he insists on me calling him dad. “ lighten up. It’s the first day of school I have one hundred and fifty- five more days left.”
That shut him up. He tries so hard to be a good father figure. I should ease up on him…Nah! Its more fun to torturer him. ninja
After dinner I barged into my twenty year- old brothers room. Which was littered with playboy magazines and latest rejected drawings.
It’s kind of sad to say but the drooling figure with a piece of paper stuck to his cheek is my brother.
“Hey, wake up stupid. I yell, throwing a magazine at his head.
“Whoa…come on jus…” he yawns, “five more minutes.”
“Wake up butt head its me.”
“oh. Hey impolite, disturbing sister of mine, who has entered the sanctuary of the great Bam master of DOOM.” rofl He replies sarcastically, “I was dreaming of Beyonce’…”
“Shut up Nolan ,” I snarl playfully, “I got suspended again.”
“Because I broke, ‘the famous most gorgeous boy,’ in schools nose, he‘s a stupid jock who doesn’t have an original thought in his head!” I say, making sure to play out the most famous guy line in my peppiest voice.
“Was there blood?”
“Yep, LOTS!” I described what happened in exaggerated details.
“Well he disserved it,” he proclaimed, “ for messing with my punk a** sister.”
“Hell yeah!” I laugh out loud.
After my two days suspension, I’m back at school. But now that I’m back, all the girls around me are giving me the evil eye and flicking me off. Well, I’m sorry if I hit their future husband. Not!
“Nell, wait up!”
“Hey, Sophie!”
“You better watch your back Nell, because some of these girls are really pissed off at you.”
“Naaaah, you think,” I scowled, “Soph, look around you, there all out to get me.”
“Well why’d you go and hit Jacob for?”
I rolled my eyes at her. Sophia Jordon has been my best friend since… Forever. She likes to be called Sophie. She’s a natural blond with deep green eyes and pale flawless skin, that seems to glow. She’s the type of girl that everyone tries to hate, but cant, because she’s to sweet.
Today she’s wearing her pail white skirt and a pink v-shirt, which includes white knee high boots and a heart shaped locket. Compared to my usual outfit. I’m her complete opposite. “You know I have a short fuse, and anyways he was asking for it.”
“You’re a bad, bad, girl Nell,” she scolds, before looking at her watch, “Oh, no I’m going to late, bye. I‘ll talk to you later, k.”
The final bell rang as I ran through Mr. Paterson’s door. A fat balding man, whose only goal in life is to make his students miserable with every ounce of power he posses.
“Your late Miss Rivers,” He yelled in his annoyingly high pitch voice.
“What,” I holler back, “I made it in bef…”
“Stop talking and take a seat, NOW!”
“Why don’t you shut up?” I mumble under my breath.
“You know what Miss Rivers, take this, and go to the D-Hall,” he smiles, “your referral will be there in a few minuets.”
“Yes your majesty.” I proclaim bowing out of the room with a thin paper clasped in my hand.
“God I hate him.”
“HALL PASS!,” the scratchy voice of derrick Piers, Penetrates the air, making me jump.
I wave my pass in the air as I start my journey to the D-Hall.
Your probably wondering what the D-hall is well it’s the place where so many good kids turned evil and insane. Its always dead silent in there. No ones breathing. No ones moving. This room is also known as Death Hall.
I sit down in the back row after giving my pass to the ghostly figure of Mrs. . She has a round, wrinkled face with wisps of hair sprouting from her speckled scalp. From where I sit I can see the only living human. Its Jacob Kyne, He’s looking forward, stiff hands in lap, foot twitching. For a moment, just a second, if you didn’t pay close enough attention you’ll miss it. He glanced sideways at me. I turn my head, pretending not to notice him.
This is to, quiet for me, I think to my self.
All of a sudden Jacob throws a paper ball at me, I feel the anger building up inside me, as I quickly throw it back at him.
“That’s it,” Mrs. Devilbog shouts, “you two will get along if it kills you!”
The room is no longer silent. I watched as people slowly turn their heads in our direction, “so what, I don’t get along with pretty boy over there big surprise,” I say in an irritated voice. Before taking my seat again.
The bell rings and I’m the first one out of my seat. Hoping, to make it to my next class, without any disruptions, I walk out into the hallway only to be stop by my archenemy.
“Hey Nell,” Jacob says, “I forgive you for hitting me the other day, You don’t have to apologize.”
“Excuse me,” I say in an irritated voice. “I don’t need to apologize for any thing.”
“Yes, you do. Do you have a problem with me or something?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You very well know what I’m talking about? You’re always yelling at me and you punched me in the nose!”
“You know your kind of… kick a**, most girls wouldn’t have done that, I kind of liked it.” He smirked.
“Hey, Kyne hurry up your going to be late for practice!” yells Tyler, one of Jacobs friend’s on the football team.
“Yeah sure I’m coming,” He hollers to Tyler, before turning back to me, “I guess Ill see you in class tomorrow.”
“Right,” I say , I turn my head slightly before whispering under my breath “a**.” I could only stand there, as he left with his friend.
Leaving me in the dingy hall way of Oakley high. The second bell rang. Great, I’m late again. crying

My bothers story, and my own nightmare>-<


My shadow mimics me as I roam the streets of Jersey. Life in this part of town is dead silent, as gangs make more plans for their next big robbery or run down. I’ve seen death, I’ve killed and murdered people, and now my brain seems to be bubbling and bursting for air. I feel myself slowly slip into insanity. “No more,” I say as I walk up the stone steps of the west side police department, “No more.” I will not harm another soul, or dare hear another baby cry, as my so called friends laugh with sick pleasure. Blood will not run across these streets because of me. “No more,” I say as I take a step into the air conditioned building, “No more.” I will not run from these people of the law. I will never yell or cuss out my mama again. My family won’t have the burden of wondering where I am every night, or if I’m still alive, or lying at the bottom of a disserted lake. I will never have another Christmas or Birthday spent on the streets with my friends. I’ll never have the disgrace of having sinned in my fathers house. “No more,” I whispered as the cold metal hand cuffs cut into my wrists, “No more.” Never again will I torment and torture a helpless woman walking down the streets. Never again will my face be seen on TV, as wanted for this or that. Never again will I drive drunk on the free way in a high jacked car. “No more,” I say as I stand in front of the judge, “No more,” I say as the cell door is sealed closed, “No more,” I cry as I get stabbed and beaten by my cell mates, “NO MORE,” I scream as I die, “NO MORE,” I holler as my casket is lowered into the ground, “No more, No more, No more.”

Community Member

Community Member
So what happens when everything seems to go rock bottom? For real nothing makes sense anymore. Oh well I guess it's easier to call this reality. What if this was the dream and or dreams were reality. Well your probly thinking about the matrix ninja
Me too
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(Look deep within the eye. YOu are a cat, know go kill that mouse over there) 3nodding

It is 12:46 in the morning
I'm going to bed night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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