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The dreams and nightmares of a common femme fatale otaku.
Long Time Coming - General Update
So, a lot has changed over the post couple of years. Since then, I've lived in Houston and found a great full-time job at one of Texas' leading liquor store chains, becoming a walking beer and liquor reference book - most of the knowledge being self-taught between books and tasting/drinking sessions. Lost a relationship - or rather, gave it up to someone who deserved it more than I. Got my first car - used, but runs, has cold-blowing A/C and a working radio with auxiliary.

In a couple of weeks, however, I'm relocating to Austin. From there, I'll be looking for a higher-paying job, hopefully with a tech company. Supposedly there's a great nerd community over there that I might be able to fit into somewhere. And let's not forget the music scene.

Conventions are another thing I'll try to pick back up on. This year, I added A-Kon back to my list - that being reduced to San Japan after last year. I'm no longer working with Oni-Con or Louisianime. IkkiCon and AnimeFest is pending. I may start looking at more out-of-state conventions to help out with if the opportunity arises.

I believe that's about it for now....

"The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way." =Iron-tail Fratley= (Final Fantasy IX)

Help with my Sausage Fest?

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