The touch of Twilight.
The darkness chills, then comes the touch,
Night's entrancing, heavy sigh.
The moon is like you've never seen
And smiling from the sky.
Twilight laughs, and waves her hand
Her spell, a moonlit dance
Farewell to hectic, pressing life,
You fall within her trace.
"Come quick, my dear, and follow close,
To a place amongst the trees.
Of magic, light, and wonderment -
For only us to see.
The forest's now alive, my friend,
Not with footsteps, calls or breeze.
This silent stillness calls to life
The magic in these trees."
The only sound a slumbrous sigh
Branches stretch, the forest yawns
Time is frozen, but something stirs
In this world before the dawn.
Entranced, you blindly follow close
Yet seem to know the way
Darkness thickens, forbids the sun
Halts the coming of the day.
The journey ends within a glade
Soft moonlight floods the place.
Glowing hands caress, and then
You fall to her embrace.
Then all too soon, the morning comes
And glares with vivid light,
Life once again makes you forget,
The wonders of the night.
Dark-haired and I am Tris, blonde-haired I am Sam. Just because.
And no, I'm not the one from the story books. I am not going to save the day and get the girl, I never wanted that. My duty is to save his life. To bring him home.

I can dream ...