[Current Music] Ocean's Twelve Soundtrack - Nikkfurie de La Caution - The A La Menthe
[Mood] Rockin'.
The G33kHizzl3 has been born.
Today I finally tried out the manga pen nibs my sister got me for Christmas. I was a bit reluctant to start, my main hangup being "********, I'm going to make a mess," which, you know, always happens. But actually working with them, and even an open bottle of ink, proved to be surprisingly... un-messy. Unless you swing the fricking pen around over your head like a drunken stripper, it's pretty hard to get blotches everywhere, and the bottle of ink is (surprisingly) not full, preventing an Exxon-Valdez-esque disaster on your desk if you accidentally knock it over. Idiot-proof!!! Finally, someone made something that caters to my (idiot) needs.
I hadn't even done calligraphy before, so I had no idea how you even *use* pen nibs. Luckily my sister got me a pen book too, which helped a ton. It's actually pretty similar to inking with a fountain pen, except you have a greater ability to control the thickness of your lines. And the maru nib really *is* awesome for doing hair!! Mwah. It'll take alot more work/practice before I can cough up anything even remotely professional-looking, but at least it's fun. :3
The ONLY b***h about this was *cleaning* the damned things. Waterproof ink doesn't come off in.... water. Y'know? Between my ever-useful fingernails and a paper towel, I managed to get the nibs spotless again, but I'd really like to know how you're actually *supposed* to clean them. >_>
Methinks there will be another attempt at inking tomorrow, provided I get caught up on the two chapters I'm behind in Mass Comm and Anthro. Either that or screw around with displacement maps in Photoshop to produce all sorts of Gankutsuou-crazy. Ahhh... the joys of being a bum.
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