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eek !!!
Yeah....I won't be posting here much anymore, cuz I have an LJ now.
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Getting videos off of YouTube
Hmmm....Is this even allowed..?
Ah well....Ripping videos off of YouTube is a very useful thing to know how to do. >3
Doing this on request, and posting for whoever else is interested in knowing.

1) get the video-id from the URL that you normally click on to play a video
Or, if you're getting it from the actual page, it's under Video URL after "watch?v="

edit: with the new update, this no longer works. You need to go to the page with the desired video on it, then go to View>Page Properties (On the top of the window).
You should get a new window with a bunch of scripts etc on it. Press ctrl-f and search for "flashobject." Should be second or so one, and should have the URL below with a long string of numbers and letters. That is the video ID.

2) in a new browser-page, paste the video ID to this URL:


example: http://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=4MIROwPyyV4&l=475&t=OEgsToPDskKQTMumjnUK_WFqLN5V8Wqc

3) video download initiates as a normal file download... choose 'save as' and give it whatever name you want, with an .FLV extension

After this just use cinemaforge and change it to .avi or whatever you prefer.

This tutorial was taken from Batsu.

Oh, and as a sidenote, did you all leave a comment onVO's journal?

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I hate being a noob...
Hm...So I joined Deviantart....
But what do I do with it..? I don't really want to post my art...
Mostly I just joined to get rid of those annoying ads...

So bored.... T_______T
I've been having power problems lately, so I haven't been on the computer in ages....
And I found out that I can't use the sewing machine except in the morning....Which greatly impedes my progress.... gonk

Uh...So I guess I'll do that character thingy now to pass some time...
I'll post a pic of her when I get to my compy....

1) What's your character's name?
Litaru <no last name>

2) How old is he/she?
Darn. Haven't figured out exactly. 15, I think...

3) Is your OC a boy or girl?

4) What's his/her race?
Argh. I didn't give them a name... Er...Liramian..?

1) If this character were to suddenly become part of the 3D world, and ended up in a heavily-populated area, how many stares would he/she get?

Much. Wings are pretty attention-grabbing.

2) Is your character considered normal in his/her own world?
Nope. Wings aren't normal there either.

3) What would be his/her most recognizable feature(s)?
Her wingies and her smile.

4) Would you consider your OC as attractive?
Uh, I guess. But my drawings do no justice to her.

1) Temper:

Very sweet-tempered. She has a lot of patience and will almost never snap at anyone, unless it's in their best interest.

2) Does your character ever get depressed?
Yup. Sometimes when she's alone, she sinks into depression and fear.

3) Leader or Follower?
Follower. She'll believe in anyone who thinks they are right. She'll lead if the situation requires it, though.

4)What is the main aspect of his/her personality?
She's very naive. She'll try and make friends with anyone, even if she knows that a person is bad, because she believes that they can change. But then again, this determination is part of why she stuck with Dien...

1) Does your OC have a family of any sort?

Uh...a dead mother..? She died, but she shows up again in the story.

2) Is your character out on his/her own?
Pretty much, yeah.

3) Has he/she encountered any traumatizing events?
Oh yesss....Her past is spattered with a lot of those.

4) What was probably the best time in his/her life so far?
When she realized that she liked Dien. (Whenever that will be. >_____>; )

1) Single?


2) Has your OC developed any romantic relationships?
Uh-huh. Throughout pretty much the whole story, she's developing her relationship with Dien.

3) Virgin?
Yeah. O______o

4) Does your character like flirting?
She couldn't even imagine doing that.....

1) What animal would you associate your OC with?

A baby bird. They get pushed out of the nest, but learn how to fly that way. ^_____^

2) Musical Instrument?

3) Element?
Air. (of course... >___> wink

4) Planet?
Pluto. Even though it's so far, it comes closer to the rest of the planets once in awhile.

Showing the Love:
1) Do you draw your character?

Oof....Not that often... TT_______TT

2) Do you write about him/her?
....I used to....

3) Do you use him/her in any rpgs?

4) What other ways have you appreciated your OC?
I actually thought from her perspective once and wrote a free-verse. Came out very interesting, really. xP

1) Is your character wanted for anything?

Hmm...Yeah, actually. <plot spoiler>

2) What are three weaknesses in him/her?
Naive, indecisive, a little unstable mentally at times.

3) Strengths?
Kindness, devout loyalty, and determination.

4) Does your OC drink or smoke (ect.)?

5) What's one quirk about him/her?
She likes talking to animals and inanimate objects. xD

6) Does your character have any phobias?
Ohyes. Of being alone.

7) What could you do to get him/her into a blind rage?
Hmm...rage? I dunno if she can go into a rage, but she might go insane if you hurt/kill someone close to her. (*coughDiencough*)

8 ) Does your OC like chickens?
(Is there chickens in their world...?)
Uh, I guess....

The Final Question:
What would you consider your relationship with your character to be like?

Hmm...A lot of Litaru is actually based on myself. Despite that, our personalities are too different, so I'm not sure how we'd get along. I think she'd be the type of person who'd try and "bring me out of my shell".....or something like that....

Argh. Now I feel bad for not working on my story in forever....

Life is stealing Gaia away from me... T___T
As some of you may have noticed, I haven't been very active lately....Mostly just checking for updates (storyline update on the first!!) and putting an occasional journal entry.

Life is stealing Gaia away from me.
How mean. mad

On a different note, a trailer was finally released for the Death Note movie.

It sucked.
The guy that plays Light is waaaaay too old looking, and does Light absolutely no justice.
The thing was super short anyway. It didn't even show any of the other cast members.

Oh well. I'm still gonna track down news of it like mad.

The actress for MisaMisa was chosen too. Hope she looks better with make-up and stuff.

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And look at me doing it again. Posting in my journal and not even checking on my guilds.... Gomen ne, minna.....

And here's a random icon pulled from my photobucket. Believe it or not, what they're saying pretty much came from the anime. (besides "wtf", of course.)
I wonder what posessed the scriptors to put that scene in? Maybe they're on something...

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I got sick.... -_______-'l|
Of all days, it had to be this one, too....nnnggghhh....

So yeah, I'm bored...Just killing time....

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But at least it's better than what my dad watches.
He likes watching police chases, forensic stuff, health stuff, and sports.
But by that time I'm usually somewhere else.

Relaxation at the cost of a nagging conscience

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I was worried about the science fair for awhile, and stressing out about it, since I would have to go through hell again in that freezing building trying to be enthusiastic to old people with hard hearing for hours on end and skipping dinner, but then when it came time to turn in my form, I found that it wasn't there.
Then I found it today, and asked Ms Hu if I could still turn it in. She completely flipped.
Apparently the deadline was this afternoon to turn it in, and she yelled at me for being too late and so irresponsible. She never told me that it was due today. She kept scolding me for keeping a form which she clipped to the papers, since she was keeping track of people through those.

Sooooo.....This takes a load off my mind and puts a new one on it.
On the one hand, I don't have to worry about prepping/begging teachers to use class time and going to the fair, but on the other, I have a nagging conscience.
If I had put my paper away instead of putting it next to my bed, (which is a far less safe place than I thought,) then I would have turned it in on time.
Then I wonder if I'm happy that I didn't or not. neutral

Just as well, I guess. I haven't been doing much hw lately.
I've been getting into some new series (like kyou kara maou and yami no matsuei) and catching up on old ones (like naruto. Sai sucks!! D< ) and playing Maple. I'm almost level 25. Yay!
Plus, there's some new games coming out.
KH2 is coming out soon. *dances*
and Caroline's going to lend me Dark Cloud 2 (whenever she finishes it),
and I plan on getting Shadow of the Collossus (someday.)
Hmm....when does FFXII come out again? *forgot*
Even if I were in the science fair, my mind wouldn't be much on it anyway, since the Kawaii-kon follows soon after.

....Or so I say. But inside, I'm still banging my head against an imaginary wall.
I'm such a weird combination of a good student and an airhead.
It's like if someone were to combine Chiyo-chan and Osaka.

This teacher gave me a second chance...After glaring at me a bit...So I just have to see if I can still go in now.
But I really didn't want it to become this big of a deal.


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Ah....I'm procrastinating again....oh well...
I finally got an mp3 player! Yay!
It's just this cheapy piece of plastic, but at least it's something.
My CD player broke, so I convinced my parents to get me an mp3 player. They promised to buy me an iPod after we get our tax stuff done, but in the meantime, I have a temporary one.

It was on sale at Wal-Mart for $50. Has 512 MB. Yup.
I'm afraid to drop it.
Such a cheap, light thing.

I went to Makino-chaya today for my aunty's b-day. The food was absolutely delicious. Much better selection than the location in town. (I've yet to go to the Pearlridge one.)
I stuffed myself with crab, tempura, shrimp, fruit, cake, and cheesecake. Yum. heart

I've been watching too much stuff lately...
Must be because I don't watch tv anymore since I don't have cable anymore...
I've been fervently watching Loveless (almost done!!), Bleach (I finally caught up!!), and Yami no Matsuei. With the occasional Yakitate!! and random clips. I love watching Japanese singers trying to say english. It's so funny.
My all-time favorite was when Jin pointed to a prawn and said "Car Shrimp."
I was cracking up so much. Although he wasn't entirely wrong. (kuruma ebi)

Ooh, and I've been watching 1 Litre of Tears.
It's the first Japanese drama that I've watched. (Since I've only watched 1 episode of Gokusen.)
So sad.... TT___________TT
I cry way too easily....

It's a Death Note movie. Of course I'm going to be excited.
Mmmm.....stayed home from school today.
I got to sleep 'til 11:30. Did my body lots of good. heart
This is lovely weather to be sick and stay in bed.
Too bad I'm not. Couldn't figure out how to bring the computer to my bed. D:

Oh, and for people who don't know, THERE'S GOING TO BE A DEATH NOTE LIVE-ACTION MOVIE!!
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Yagami Light:藤原竜也 Fujiwara Tatsuya <-- He was in Shinsengumi.

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L:松山ケンイチ Matsuyama Kenichi <-- Dunno what he was in...something about Battle Royale?

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And last but not least~
Yagami Souichirou:鹿賀丈史 Kaga Takeshi <-- THE Chairman Kaga!!

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He looks more normal when he's not dressed up like that, though. Sorta.

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Oh, but of course, they haven't actually started filming yet, so the actors are still pending....so it can still change. 3nodding

The films are going to come in two installments: the first dealing with L, and the second is going to be about those corporate people (whoididn'tlikeatall. D: )

Oof. Sorry this post came out so long. @____@;

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