Prophecy of the source

"One human girl will been given the power of the source.
But only one girl of course.
The power of the source will continue through all of our
days ,and can seek power in many ways The woman who has the power will be given an extra
life. With that extra life comes extra strife. The side affects makes the girl
a zombie at night and human by day. And that is the price she has to pay. Also after the girl
who carries the source dies for good it is passed on to another.
Now this girl’s power shall be smothered. Vampires and many other groups would kill to have the
source. After they’ve got her there will be no remorse .The source is a human that can
give blood non-stop. They are searching above the hilltops. She cannot change into a mystical beast. That is why most of them want her for their feast.
. Yet she does not die from massive blood loss. Look along the line uncrossed.
The power of the source will not be marked on her fore
head that is the tricky part about the finding. This journey may be binding. The source
can be wondrous or destructive.... beware...Take care."

~~Unknown prophet