Joined : 09.25.04
User ID : 976643
You smell a faint aroma of Orange Blossom as you walk into the store. You look around to find the walls covered in neon signs. You head towards the counter...
"Welcome to Flash Tags! Would you like a cup of tea? Or perhaps you would prefer a cup of coffee instead? If you happen to have a coupon, remember to hand it to me after placing your order. Please, look around and let me know if you need anything or have any questions.
Have a great day and thank you for stopping by!
Also, if anyone would like to become an affiliate of mine, just fill out the form and post it in this entry. Your banner will be displayed at the top of this entry below my affiliate code. I will only add you after I see that you have added me.
Shop Name:
Shop Banner:
Code for Banner: [Banner should be 88x31]
Shop Banner:
Code for Banner: [Banner should be 88x31]