Chapter Five: The Invasion 1
[O.o uber long]
"Finally! New knives and daggers! The other ones before were only okay," I said to Zuko.
"You and your weapons, there's nothing that can break that," he replied smirking. We were on the second floor walkway of the WRO headquarters. All the soldiers here were on break and just talking. With soldiers passing us, we continued to talk.
"Hey Zuko, I just remembered. I have a present for you," I continued.
"Um, okay. Thanks! But what's it for?" he asked.
"Just armor so yeah."
I led him to my room were I stayed, and opened up a drawer.
"Here," I handed armor for his arms. They are red with yellow edging, very light-weight and is very resistant to heavy blows.
"Thank you! This is great! I'll use it a lot!" he promised.
"Don't mention it," I replied. Once we left the room, a WRO soldier came to us. She said," Janelle, Zuko. Pleased to meet you. I'm Erika Cruz, a WRO general. Ms. Shalua Rui requested you to come to the experiment room."
She escorted us until we got there. We came in and looked around. Shalua was typing something up on the computer, while Vincent was in a recovery tube. We walked towards Shalua, until she noticed us. She explained that Vincent was regaining consciousness and told us to stay here. I decided to take a nap since I didn't get enough sleep and that there was nothing else to do.
"Janelle. I want you to go to the basement and check on an old experiment," A man said.
"Okay. Which one?" I asked, holding a moggle doll.
"The one in the coffin. Oh, the Sahagins got the keys. Take care of one, alright?"
"Okay," with a dull voice. I walked down to the creepy basement. It was more like a cave than a basement, and it held creatures inside it too. I continued to walk, gripping my doll more and more with every step. A sahagin saw me and charged at me with its trident. I dodged and grabbed it to keep it from moving. A howl of a wolf wept the area, then the rest was a blur. I began to pant because I had no strength and no idea what happened. I looked at my hands and found the key and blood was also on my hands.
"Huh?!" I said with terror in my voice. Then in front of me was a dead Sahagin.
"Wha... Is that what happened? That's what became of me?" I thought. I grabbed my moogle on the room were I found it, and went to the coffin. I used the keys and unlocked it.
"Janelle!" Someone said.
"Huh?" I woke up. Zuko was in front of me trying to wake me up. I looked and Vincent was awake in the tube too.
"Hold on. I'll release you," Shalua said. He soon got out, and asked,"Where am I?"
"Safe inside the WRO headquarters," Shalua replied,"Janelle and Zuko got you after you collapsed during your fight with Deepground," Vincent looked at us. We were near the exit. Zuko said,"Your welcome."
"It seems like the beast inside you went a little wild back there. This happen often?" she continued.
"Went wild? Do you mean Chaos?" Vincent asked.
"Chaos? Your body harbors the Chaos gene?" she asked, walking around the place,"So that explains your relationship with Dr. Lucrecia Crescent. Were you the products of one of her experiments?"
"Oh," I said silently to myself. I finally understood why I felt like I already met Vincent before.
"Lucrecia's experiments?" Vincent said, looking down.
"I apologize. That wasn't what I meant," she replied.
"Wait. Lucrecia was researching Chaos?" he continued. I got carried away and zoned out a while.
A couple of minutes passed, and Zuko snapped me out of the daze. He told me not to talk and listen at the conversation. Reeve came in earlier when I was zoned out.
"So Rosso the Crimson told you that Protomateria is the 'key to controlling Omega'?" Reeve said.
"Yeah," Vincent replied.
"Any ideas?"
"Soul wrought of terra corrupt, quelling impurity, purging the stream to beckon forth an ultimate fate. Behold mightly Chaos, Omega's squire to the lofty heavens," Shalua recited.
"Where did you?"
"A passage from Dr. Cresent's thesis. But that's all I know. Unfortunately, I only saw a fragment of the document. However, Chaos... Omega... and," She looked at Vincent,"All seem to be connected to Dr. Cresent in some way. There's no other explanation. I think we'll need to gather more data on her to get anywhere."
Then all the computer screens flashed red and the alarms went off.
"What now?" Reeve questioned. Zuko and I left the room to protect the headquarters from the enemy. They were Deepground troops. We cleared the hallway and continued to the second floor. We saw Vincent on the ground floor going to the basement, so we continued on into another hallway. When we got there, we encounted Reeve and Shalua. Shalua looked like she was asleep, and Reeve was holding her. We went to them and Reeve Said,"Vincent is beyond this door, but have this fightto him."
We waited until the gunfire ceased, but when it did, we all rushed out the door. Vincent was looking at the same girl who was in Kalm with Azul. Shalua rushed to her and held her in her arms. The rest of us walked away.Reeve explained that Shelke is her sister and what happened before we came. Suddenly a giant person came crashing through the ceiling.
"We meet again. Answer me this. Do you know why you even exist?" He asked. I looked at Vincent who seemed to just stare at Azul. Azul smirked and continued,"Just as I thought. Ignorant to your own destiny. Very well. I'll show you what you really are."
Vincent shot an explosive that was laying around, which we thought injured him, but it didn't. A shield appeared in front of Azul.
"You think that toy can penetrate my armor? Enough of the games, Vincent. Give me the Protomateria."
"Vincent! Over here!" we exclaimed. He fired a couple more shots before he ran away with us. When we were running, Azul screamed out,"You can't run!"
We ran away from the giant until we got to a room. Vincent grabbed an extremely big rocket launcher and fired it at Azul. The explosion was so huge, that we flew to the ground. Vincent said to Reeve, while getting up,"You shouldn't leave those things lying around."
Reeve laughed, then looked where Azul was standing. Out of the smoke, a shield appeared then shattered like glass. The smoke cleared, and an unscathed Azul was holding a tank gun. He laughed menacingly and said,"Well done. You have broken through my barrier."
"This ends here. Leave him to me," Vincent said. He signaledus to leave, and so we did. While we were leaving, I heard Azul yell,"Long has it been since I faced a worthy opponent!"
While Vincent was facing Azul, Zuko and I decided to help liberate the headquarters. There wasn't as many as before, so we eradicated the enemy before Vincent beat Azul. Afterwards, Zuko and I went to the second floor to get a well-needed break. I looked out to see Vincent and Reeve talking, so I listened in.
"Where are you-?" Reeve stopped while Vincent turned.
"Nibelheim." he replied.
"Wait. Shira manor? But that's where..." he paused for a second and continued,"Understood. However, be on your guard. We have reports of Deepground units deployed in that area. If you wish to get the manor in one piece, I suggest you use the sewer system extending from the old mako reactor."
"Sewer? How appropriate is that?" Vincent said when he left. I continued in my room where Zuko was hanging out.
"Hey. Have ever wanted to go back to Gongaga?" I asked.
Yeah, for a while now."
"Well. Let's go."
"To Gongaga?!"
"Yeah. Is not to far right? Besides, Deepground got a major blow. They won't be coming back anytime soon."
"Still, wouldn't Reeve need us to help?"
"I just saw Vincent leave to Nibelheim. We should be able to go."
"I wonder why he's going there. And wasn't Nibelheim where-"
"Yeah. Where Hojo took me in. I-I'll ask Reeve," I interrupted. I left the room, and found Reeve.
"Reeve," I called.
"Ah, Janelle. Yes?"
"Zuko and I want to visit our hometown, Gongaga."
"Very well. But Deepground units are-"
"Dispatched in that area," I interrupted.
"You know?"
"I overheard you talking to Vincent. You talk pretty loud."
"Oh, well, I see. You may go, but use the sewer systems instead to stay in one piece."
"How appropriate is that?" I smirked,"We'll go tomorrow morning."
I left and heard Reeve whispering to himself,"She's been hanging out with Vincent to much.". I went to my room smiling behind my scarf. I told Zuko the plan, and took a break. Zuko left to his room, and I fell asleep.
"Ugh..." I felt horrible. I was laying in the frontyard of the Shinra Manor during winter. I tried to keep myself warm, but I was freezing. Then, a man came and looked at me. He said,"You certainly look interesting. Why don't you come with me? You might be helpful to me."
I stood up and came with him. I was desperate and needed his help. Apparently, he wanted to use me in an experiment.
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