I'm just so in love, and now it's real heartheartheart... Not fake like with that stupid German boy, who played with me and other girl, it was kinda annoying, Now he has broken up with her and he's soooooooooooooooo lonely xD. Btw, I feel now much better than before.
I've cute cat named Asha and guinea pig named Shuri, they're good friends, even cat tries to eat my piggie.
I dunno, I kinda don't like modern technology, still... xD
It's 2am and I'm still awake... eek Maybe I should go to sleep, I've woke up yesterday, first time at 4am and after that I went back to sleep and woke again at 7am. Dogs woke me... crying
Well got to go now... Good night to all of you and sweet dreams ^^...