Help me out...
Wii's gonna suck. Super Smash Brothers Brawl, and Zelda are probably the only good games for it. I also think PS3's only good game is be Killzone 2. XBOX 360 is what has really blown it all away. Everything they have upcoming... oh yes. XBOX has the best online play, too. And also just online in all aspects. PS2 had limited online, and I don't see much for the PS3. Mainly, because all they advertise is sports game, which suck. If I wanna play sports... I'll go outside. I find the Wii bad. The conrtoller... is the worst thing. It's also be so awkward to hold. Revolution was a better name. Brawl is what I am mostly looking forward to. Halo3, all lives will change upon it's release. Halo 1 and 2 have both stunned and destroyed our lives and minds, has it not? Seriously, I and so many of my friends locked away in our rooms and yelling at each other on XBOX live were a great example. We are people with lives, which is the odd thing. XD Seriously, how insane was it when November 9th rolled around?! I am only looking to PS3 for it's DDR games. I hope it gets better, because the XBOX DDR games seemed to thrill me much more, and the song choices were better, and plus the online play was the best thing in the world!
A succubus will orgasm each time you donate.
Lord Heartless AJ · Thu Aug 24, 2006 @ 04:45am · 1 Comments |
I take a ride every day on my bike. It takes me 30 minutes to get there and another to return. I have no problem with the weather usually, today was different...
I am descending home and it's hot. I wipe my brow and push on. Facing many uphills and downhills as well, I am trying to conserve every bit of my energy. My stamina is usually very high and it takes alot to get me down. I start to feel what seems like hunger. I begin to lean against the handlebars, supporting my body weight because I feel like I'm fading.
It seemed as if there was something in a ninety degree angle within my stomach. It was painful now. A hunger PAIN. I needed to get home fast. Suddenly an old man stops me and asks if I'd like bread. He was a man of the church and he would give out free bread and occasionally pies, each day. I took this opporunity to rest, because once I said "No thank you." He wouldn't let me go.
The man was very kind, and he was intelligent, into art as I am, a fellow artist, and had alot of stories to tell. After talking to him for over twenty minutes I spoke. "I'm very sorry. It's been a pleasure meeting you, Frank. I've enjoyed talking to you but I need to get home and rest and eat... and take a bath or something." He was very understanding "Oh yeaah! It's hot out here you gotta get home and I don't want you to pass out. This summer weather will kill ya." I smiled and kicked off once more.
The smile soon faded to an exasperated and distrought, open mouthed scowl.
Leaning against my handlebars heavily, I talked to myself. I needed to get home. "I have to... get home now. I need food, I'm gonna die if I don't..." I spoke these words to myself repeatedly. I was only about 5 minutes from my home. Every minute was an hour, and my body became weaker and heavier as I tried to squeeze the last bits of strength from my body. I felt feint signs of defecation coming. Diarrhea, a sign of dehydration. My endurance was shot and my life was on a thread. I spoke to myslef with words of encouragement. "I can make it. I will make it. I have to make it." I am coming close and I now know if I can just get these last few minutes I will be home. Finally I enter the parking lot which leads to my backyard gate. I make it to the gate and carry my bike to my yard where I lock it away.
I ran in and flopped on the couch panting and letting out coughs. My mother is going insane wondering if I'm okay. I simply ignore this and chant "Mom... need food. Now, please!" She hurried into the kitchen and made me something and brought me in a large bottle of Gatorade.
So now here I am, a bit sweaty but I'm good. My body has regained it's life and I tell you my story. I'm glad I made it home. And I am glad you read. But now I have one think to ask of you... was this a heatstroke?
Lord Heartless AJ · Sat Jul 29, 2006 @ 01:49am · 1 Comments |
Me and my buddy. (Stop ******** commenting me, stalker Mary) |
Help me out...
Yeah yeah, yeah boiiii!!111 I'ma cap yo mamma. Nickuh gimme a nickel bag so I can smoke dat shiey in mah curr, and do me some bitches. Yeah boi it's too fousand and fo'! Yeah yeah boi, I hate white pepole cause day be hatin on mah pimp game in my car that I smoke weed in. Sheah boi i like me some new sneakers every week young jawn. I love mah babies mama but we threw away da baybee. Nickuh I am just trying to tell you that I love me some drugs and my gold teefs dat look brown...
Gangster talk.
A succubus will orgasm each time you donate.
Lord Heartless AJ · Sun Nov 06, 2005 @ 02:40am · 4 Comments |