Questing: Bunny Slippers (From the Easter Event)

Offer so far:
Horns of the Demon
Jenny Doll
:3 Brown Paper Bag
Class Headphones
Demonic Anklets
Nice Style For Work
Angelic Sash
Estimated Value: 40,077,804 Gold
Pure Gold : 284,OOOg
Total: 40,361,804 Goldg
(Date: 7 / Jan / 2O1O)
Side Notes*
I can sell the little items to get more gold.
I will be trying to update this everyday, thinkin about, when I make a good day vending/exchangin I can earn up to 3OOK+
NO, Do not even ask please... I will not trade my Devil Tail plus gold for the slippers. My quest for the Devil Tail was so hard too, so, I am in love of this item, that's why I am trying to earn more gold than make one offer wich contains my tail plus gold or items.
The estimated value can change, depending about market prices. Check here for the TekTek's.
Thank you everyone who help me so far! This is only one more of my big quest! :]