OMG so I had an awesome dream last night about Tokio Hotel biggrin Well, it was Bill and Tom. Mom and i were being chofers for them, driving them to...their next concert I guess. It was after an amazing concert I was at. Bill and Tom sat in the back seats while mom and I took the front in our van. We stopped at a bunch of hotels along the way, so I guess the trip took a few days, I just couldn't tell when it was nighttime, there was alot of rain at the hotes though lol. Mom and I had to spend mostly our own money on the twins, so we couldn't stop at super fancy 5 star hotels, just regular 3 and 4 star places not fancy at all sad
Tom had a face on like in the pic of him with his new hairstyle, the black cornrows, his hair was brownish and still dreads in my dream. So yeah he looked kinda pissed off, he'd talk some but mostly to Bill.
 Though in the beginning of the ride Bill and Tom were very sweet, they started ordering me around when we'd stay at the hotels so they kinda turned into spoiled brats, just a bit anyway, but it was funny. Their cuteness made up for it biggrin
Bill would have us rent out a whole floor of the hotel (cause their security guys would stay at the hotels too, but strangely wouldn't drive the twins in their own security vans, not that I minded), and make me go find food cause the hotel didn't have room service. I had to go room to room looking for MY room cause none of the doors had room numbers on them. I finally found my room where my puppy nikki was...and another even smaller puppy, Bill and Tom suddenly appeared in my doorway, requesting I get takeout.And it was raining. Hard. So I guess I did get the takeout cause I suddenly resembled Miranda Cosgrove from iCarly soaking wet with her mad (but funny) face on.
It pissed me off that they treated me like a servant, and yet I didn't mind...fetching crap for them was worth it if that meant I got to have them to myself for 3 days or so <3
All the fetching during the night made me tired though, so the rest of the car trip when we werne't at a hotel, I'd spend most my time cuddled up in my seat hugging my legs trying not to fall asleep, just looking back and admiring the boys. Mom asked them some stuff, so I took my chance and had a few convos with them, it was like a dream come true...yet still a dream. But hell, if it can happen in a dream... (my dreams never go as I want them 2, this was like the first one ever to turn out right)
When we finally dropped them off at their next gig, I stayed for the concert. When I got back home I realised that I never got an autograph from them, nor did they offer one, so that pissed me off, yet again I didn't mind lol.
It just pissed me off cause I was being a good fangirl, didn't annoy them, did everything they asked of me...which was alot lol, treated them like normal yet gorgeous hot guys...
But hey! Having them to myself for 3 days was sooo much better than one autograph. Too bad it was all a dream XP
Queen of Muchness · Mon Apr 27, 2009 @ 06:17pm · 1 Comments |