Well i just posted a somewhat unorganized, but by my standards of being scatter brained, well thought out statement in favor of being gay having to do with genetics. for full statement go here.
Some of these people are being illogical in their statements or merely stating their stance without any supporting evidence... In my mind this speaks of partisan treatment and blind loyalty to a stance that may not necessarily be their own had they not been brainwashed by any number of sources: parents, church, government, ETC.
Many of the people in favor of gay rights and the fact that gays are genetically born had much more sound arguments and less spiteful tones in their writings. Why is it that people choose to be on one side without looking at the other first, is it because their friends family or community choose the other side? If so then why didn't they choose what they believed in? Is it because of the fear of being ousted for different views? Why are we afraid to have exchange of knowledge and differing views in AMERICA?! ISN'T AMERICA BUILT ON THE IDEALS OF DIFFERENT THOUGHT. the puritans escaped England by coming to the Americas and they were thought of by the British the same way most people think about gays today. It's wrong, people should observe both sides without judgment or taint before deciding, i try my best to do this though it isn't the easiest thing to try and do.
Also all of the people i personally know who don't like gays are not held in my highest esteem due to their lack of intelligence or maturity. though there are people out there who are genuinely in distaste of gays for their own reasons there are hundreds and thousands more who are hateful for no other reason than that it makes them feel better about themselves to have a scapegoat. God created gays along with the rest of this world, how could he hate his own creations? God even loves Lucifer, his first angel, though I'm sure he pities him and feels hurt at the betrayal of trusts.
Kind of amusing speaking like that since, as i said, i haven't chosen a set religion but merely taken the moral and ethical beliefs of many religions and their underlying meanings of good will and tolerance to all and mashed it into a personal religion involving no one other than myself and my own self-control. No god to punish me if i stray just my own conscience, and sometimes i think that more people should stop fearing the wrath of god and start fearing the guilt of their actions.
TY for keeping an open mind and reading this.
Dadarian11 Community Member |