Voice: Fine, I will!!

Perry: Ah!
Ganeria: Ummm hehe.
Voice: You happy now?
Perry: What's your name?!
Voice: Aaron.
Aaron: he he.
Amy: Wow. Are you an angel too?
Aaron: Hehe, no, I'm not.
Amy: Oh.
Perry: You told Amy's, what am I?!
Aaron: Your the defense mekanism.Even dull at times, you defend the team from ceartain destruction.
Perry: Dull?!
Aaron: Ummm, hehe, sure, whatever.
Perry: Ugh. Anyway, what do I do again?
Aaron: You defend the team. Like..... your good at hand-to-hand combat. You fight off the bad guys. Your flexible like that........
Perry: Ohhhhhhh....... THANK-YOU!!
Aaron: And Ganeria. You are sicic. You can tell what's going to happen to better prepare you for the upcoming. Plus, your good at working spells. But without Amy, You'd be nothing but turning people into frogs........
Ganeria: Hehe. True.....
Amy: So what are we supposed to do? Why were we summoned here?
Aaron: There is a great evil in this world. You three just happen to be some of the most powerful people on the planet.
With that power you can do good, or evil. We're hoping you'll do good. That's why your here at such a young age.
Amy: But why? We'll probably never do evil! I'm an angel for heaven's sake!
Aaron: You can never under-estimate the power of the dark-side......
Ganeria: What are we supposed to do then?
Aaron: You'll learn within time. Until then, welcome to the Suni Villiage. You will be given a room here. You will stay until we figure out what to do.......

Perry: I think I'm going to like it here!!