Gaia users. Are you ******** kidding me? You have been bitching for 300+ pages over a navigation bar? Seriously?
Personally, I like the new nav bar. The color matches the rest of the site in general, and I don't what's above it. I mean the forums, where everything else is blue. And the aquariums, which are blue. And this post reply bit, too. I don't know what y'all's screens are set to, but it sounds like you need to adjust them. The color on mine is in no way blinding. Just checked and my screen res is 1024 x 768 and color quality is 32 bit. Granted, this is my old comp. My new comp has better quality all-around, so maybe I'll have reason to complain when I use it. Or maybe I'll just adjust the colors. Not a hard fix.
As for the tabs and the icons... not seeing much of a problem. My Gaia, Shops, World, and Games has pretty much all I could ask for under them. 'course I don't use World and Games much, but I thought what was under them was adequate. The only way they could please everyone with the mini-games would be to put them all under there, but as most of you are bitching that the box takes up too much space as it is, that would defeat the point.
I will admit that the Community tab could use some improvement. Entertainment and Artist's Corner seems kinda random. Since My Posts, Latest Topics, and Subscribed Threads are all in the Shortcut tab at the top of your screen*, it would be redundant to put them in the Community tab. So maybe put Announcements and Q&A there instead or something. Or let us customize which forum sections we would like there, instead. That is really my only problem with the new nav bar.
The rest of you just have sticks up your asses. Seriously. Threatening to leave a site because the color of the navigation bar changed? Good riddance. Shows your loyalty to the site. Y'all are taking this way too seriously. It's a strip of pixels on your computer screen, for Christ's sake. In the big scheme of things, especially the internet and your life, not a big deal.
Also, just a little end note, to those who say that the only ones who like the new nav bar are newbs who follow the admins like puppies or something... Or the ones who may want to attack me for my loyalty comment because you think that it must be easy for a newb like me to say something like that... You'd be wrong in both cases. I've been here since '04. Before Gaia had Fishing, before it had the Cash Shop, before it changed the Logo, before ZOMG!, before a lot of the changes that you b***h about. Have I liked all the changes that Gaia's instated? No. For instance, I miss the old logo. I still don't like the new one. But I got over it. Change in life, and especially on the internet, is inevitable. If you can't learn to go with the flow, you're going to get left behind. And you're going to be unhappy.
*For those of you bitching about the lack of a thread subscription/my posts/latest topics/my inventory/trade button, here you go. Don't you feel blind and stupid now?