Part 2/2
[One-shot] Memory lane
Everyone applauded as they kissed. Joe grabbed Trish's hand as they quickly rushed down the aisle and out the chapel. Sammy dragged me along. "Trish's gonna throw the bouquet!" She squealed. I wonder who's going to get it. Absent minded, I stood there while everyone was waiting impatiently as Trish turned around. She tossed the bouquet over her head. Being as stupid as I already was it took a while for me to realize why the bouquet was getting bigger and bigger.
"GAH!" Suddenly, it hit me and I fell. Being alarmed, instead of grabbing it, I accidentally hit it, well more like slapping it with the back of my hand from a reaction, making it fly somewhere else. As absent mind as I was, the bouquet fell into Sammy's hands.
"...What's this?" Sammy gave it a funny look. Everyone circled around her, and left me lying dead on the ground. "OH MY GOD WHAT?!" She shouted as she finally realized that she had the bouquet. Ken made his way through the crowd and then got onto his knees.
"Sammy Lee." He spoke as he took out a small box from his pocket. Ray quickly helped me up as I thanked him. "Will you marry me?" Ken opened the box and revealed a heart-shaped diamond ring that shined beautifully in the warm summer sun.
At first, she was speechless. The crowd, including Ken, waited for her response. Suddenly, there was a loud squeal and Sammy jumped up and down. "OF COURSE I WILL!" She kissed him on the forehead as she helped him up.
Wait a minute...If my brother's going to be married to Sammy...who's one of my best friend, and my other best friend's sister...Does that mean I'll be related to them?! Everyone cheered, including me but for some reason not Ray. As a matter of fact, he frowned.
As we arrived at the ceremony I smiled as I looked at the box that was set on my plate. "I wonder what this is..." I was about to grab it before Sammy interrupted.
"You should know." She giggled as she sat down beside Ken. "You helped set them up." I frowned.
"Eww jelly beans..." I shrugged anyways, because I remember there was a glass heart in there. Not too small, so it wasn't as small as those jelly beans but it wasn't big either, so it didn't take the whole box up. It wasn't hollow either, so it was pretty heavy.
Being the awful friend I am, I didn't pay attention to any vows they made, until they called my name to get my butt up there. Giving a blank stare at everyone who was applauding, Sammy told me I should, HAD go up.
"Uhmm..." I spoke into the mic as a looked at all the faces that were looking back at me. "Congratulations to...My best friend; Trish? buddy...on getting married?" I heard a few people chuckle and saw Trish face palm.
"Thanks for not paying attention." Trish took the mic as i handed it back to her. I shrugged as i walked down the stage. I sat back down and smiled at Ray who just arrived.
I started blandly at the cake that Trish sliced for me. I never really liked...chocolate. Cake in general, is wonderful especially wedding cakes, but I just have no interest in eating chocolate. Trish frowned as she walked up to me. She asked me what was wrong, and tried keeping a straight face. I gave her a bland look, I don't know if she just wanted to annoy me or if she's just too happy to see me. More likely to be wanting to annoy me, to be honest.
"Aww." She frowned as she grabbed my fork and cut a small piece off of my plate by using the side of the fork and then stabbed it. "If you don't eat it, I'll be sad." She shoved it in my face and frowned as if she were really sad. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the fork out of her hands. I was about to take a bite, but thankfully Sammy took Trish away before I was actually going to take a bite.
Happy because Sammy just saved me from eating chocolate, I set my plate down on the table. "Hey, Nikki?" From the voice, I already knew it was Ray. "Can I talk to yo--"
"NIKKI~!" Ken ran over to me and then suddenly stopped as he saw Ray. "...NEVER MIND." He walked away. Rolling my eyes from stupidity, I turned back to Ray and smiled politely at him.
"...Never mind." He turned around as he was just about to walk away.
"Wait!" I grabbed his arm before he was able to walk. "What were you going to tell me?" Suddenly, we became the center of attention, everyone gathered around us.
"Uhh..." He hesitated for a moment. "I'll tell you later...When there's less of a crowd." I frowned, because I knew his fear when people gather around him, and I don't like it. I don't get why he doesn't like to be in center of attention, but i guess that's just how he is. I frowned as I let him walked away as he made his way through the crowd. Everyone sent whispers to one another, like gossip. Like there was something everyone knew expect for me.
"W-wait!" I shouted as I made my way out of the crowd. He simply ignored me. "Ray..." I frowned as the people began to spread out again. That stupid idiot...
"Better catch up to him." Trish winked at me as she took a sip of the champagne. "He's walking out the door." She pointed at the main entrance that he just walked out.
I gave her a look as if she was retarded. "Thanks, captain-state-the-obvious."
"Well, Junior-not-state-the-obvious shouldn't be talking." She pushed me forward. I chuckled, she always knew how to put that smile on my face.
Quickly, I ran out of door. I found Ray sitting under a tree and looking into the, what I assume, semi-starry night. It normally doesn't look very starry because of light pollution... "So," I walked up to him. "What did you want to tell me?" Although there was light pollution, it was actually pretty dark, the stars were actually pretty visible too...Maybe it's just this place, but oh well. I stared up into the sky trying to see what he was looking at as I sat down beside him. "There's no one here, other then you and me." There was a soft meowing sound. A kitty walked out from behind the tree and then jumped onto my lap. "And this kitty~!" I picked it up as it purred. "Aww you're so cute." Ray cocked his eyebrow at me.
"Nikki..." He finally spoke. "That's a stray." He pointed at the kitty's neck. "It doesn't have a collar."
"Even better~!" I let out a soft sequel and hugged the kitty. "I'm going to name you Muffinz~!" I heard him chuckle at my childish-ness. "So," I pet Muffinz as I placed him back on my lap. "What were you going to say?" I smiled at him once again. Ray looked down as he pulled grass out of the ground.
"It's nothing." He smiled as he got up. "Let's go back before we miss out on something." He helped me up, and while I wasn't paying attention Muffinz jumped and quickly ran away. Ray was also about to walk away, before I grabbed his arm again.
"W-w-wait..." I stuttered . Why am I doing this? "I-i..have something to tell you..." My heart began to race faster. "I li-" Suddenly, I couldn't finish my sentence. Why? Because he interrupted me. With what? His soft lips that touched mine.
After a while, when he finally let go, he had a shock looked on his face. "I-I'm sorry." He apologized as he was about to walk away...You know, I'm sure you can already tell...But he likes to run away from problems.
"No, It's okay." I hugged him before he could move. He hugged me back. "I love you too." I whispered. I was enjoying this moment until--
"OHH!" Trish quickly rushed out the door. "We saw everything!" We gave her blank looks as everyone else rushed out the door. "They DO like each other." She grinned in triumph as if she made a bet. Yes, she adores winning.
Instead of everyone tapping glass, they all clapped their hands. Simply, we had no other choice but to have out lips touch once more.[This is present time] Ray, instead of grabbing my hand, he picked me up and carried me out the doors. Simply, no one could help but smile.
They all gathered behind me, as I was about to toss my bouquet. Closing my eyes, I threw it over my head. Not paying attention to who, or where I threw it, as I turned around I heard someone let out a shriek. While I laughed at Trish as I helped her up, she frowned at me.
"No need for revenge, lady." She slightly frowned. Everyone looked around un-sure of where the bouquet went, there was a slight shriek. Everyone quickly, including Trish, Ray and I, rushed over to see who was the lucky person.
Jason got onto his knees and pulled out a small box. "Kimmy," He opened the box to reveal a simple, but very beautiful, diamond ring. "Will you marry me?"
failed ending. All i have to say. This was a story that I wrote a LONG time ago, It was suppose to be a script o-o i tried my best not to use so much dialogue -shrugs- I have no originality with names. because this was rushed c: && i tried to keep this as short as i could so i skipped out alot of things ./headesk i tried.
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