Full Name: Shadow Layton Fallen Akeno
Nicknames: Shadow, Akeno, Fallen
Age: unknown
height: 7'5"
weight: 160lb
Status: Unknown
Race: Shifter and a Shadow Familiar
Weapons: Two daggers with the nickname Death Whisper
Bio: Shadow is your typical Shifter born with the powers of a Shadow Familiar, her weapons are two cursed daggers by the nickname Death Whisper. She has two sets of eyes, one red and one green, the green eye glows softly as that eye is fulled with poison. The green eye has a scar over her eye from a fight she barely knows of.
Back story: She's cursed with two daggers that will not let her die, even if she tried. they have the ability to turn into 13 different weapons, including the dagger state, they admit runes on the user's body.
Alittle info about what she carries: She carries a vial that has endless sand in it that allows her to transform into a Drake that lets her carry up to 3 people.
Little known fact about Shadow Akeno : Locked away in her body, now been fully locked by an Arch angel is Shadow Akeno's true form and her true powers.
Shadow is a full fledged Vampire angel Thanks to her very first husband, Tasumai Hellsing. her true powers are vampirc powers mixed with Arch angel powers, making her the most dangerous thing to be fighting with. Her true form is very...um.. frighten wise to be looking at, her hair is black with red tips as her eyes a pure blood red.
Aki Sharptooth · Fri Nov 04, 2011 @ 05:57am · 0 Comments