I'm thinking of starting a short fanfiction list (Are they called drabbles? I'm not sure ^^; )
Anyway, what I propose to do is gather 100 themes from people around me:- home gaia quizilla deviantART etc...
I'd be looking for odd themes, not just single words like 'love' or 'apple'... I'd be out for proverbs or quotes or a random question or comment you've heard... Even a random sentence you like or just happen to think up. like "A book holds a house of gold" (Study and you'll do well in life), "Shed no tears until seeing the coffin." (Don't give up until you know its over) or "No wind, no waves." (rumors may have some ground in fact)
If you have any ideas, critisisms or sugestions for themes then feel free to comment or PM... one day this might find its way into forums, until then, its sentered closer to my internet 'home' because Journals are much more cosy!! 3nodding