Name: Griven Newaco ((ring a bell?)) Age: 31, Class: Mage, Race: cat demon/ Human, Family: Lirea, Bio: He left his family at 16 to train and search for Lirea. He now looks for Lirea and currently has only pictures as a lead. He has heard that she was in a Vampric mansion but he doesn't know which one. He has been searching. He has found one mansion with her energy he wants to search but can't there is always someone there.
Lirea_power_of_Alstor · Thu Oct 12, 2006 @ 11:23pm · 0 Comments |
I wrote this for one of my friends while she was in a bad time.
You look to the light and them look away. You continue going a dark path. But there is an angel trying to stop you. You push it, you shove it, you throw it away. But this angel is here to stay. "You try to run and hide, but you can't take away the feeling inside!" The angel helps you back to the light. Then you go threw and can't help but cry. "Why, Why Have I never found this strength?" You turn around and the angel is gone. It was you who the angel was all long.
Lirea_power_of_Alstor · Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 02:26am · 1 Comments |
Name sad real)Shinare Lirean Weanewacosa Carliveal Linea Isrisan Shealare Deamonis, (Shortened) Lirea Newaco Sunamadoja.(She uses the second one the most) Age: 29 Race: Vampric Cat demon, She says she is part dragon. Powers: Grey Court, The court of Someone who commits Elements(Light or white) and Sins (Dark or black) A new power, Cobining sins and Elements for a stronger powers, becoming a cat, Flying, Dt (I will get a picture soon then edit this), Molding fabric to whatever she wishes. Appearance:  Persolality: Fun and Crazy, But when she's fighting dark and mysterious. Weapons:Elemental spear of sins, Sinner sickle is elements. (There are two versions of the weapon) Lirea's Childhood is uknown to her because her father gave her to scientists, where she got her barcode tattoo. She ran away at eighteen and wandered to a mountian where she met her first Dragon, Derik, he took her to his home and raised her so she was a bit dragon. At Twenty five she started to find out about her past and her powers and who and what she was. Later on that year she desided to find the place she was sent to during childhood. It took Four years to find it, but it was a home to demons not humans. She fought the Leader of the demon clan, who was a vampire, and won. The vampire left her mark and bit her. She Left and started to show who she really was, a cat demon. She Went back to the dragon clan for a year to train, and left again. She has now found a new home in a old empty temple and is living there now. She likes Red wine and fine cheese. For a weird reason the people who see her home give her the nickname "the forbidden mage." She Keeps A journal From what she thinks was her childhood, and a picture of her and her mother. She is now happy with a child named Cassandra.
Lirea_power_of_Alstor · Wed Aug 23, 2006 @ 11:59pm · 0 Comments |
Please Do what is in this entry! |
This one and the one before and the ones after it you may read. BUT!! Please after the one Named Question??? I would Like if you not read!
Lirea_power_of_Alstor · Wed Aug 23, 2006 @ 11:49pm · 0 Comments |
Am I sweet?- Am I crazy?- Am I lovable?- Am I funny?- Am I ugly?- Am I psycho?- Am I annoying?- Am I a good person?- Am I hot?-
2)******Would You****** Miss me if i was gone?- Listen to my problems?- Hug me if i cried?- Be a good friend?- Kiss me if i asked you to?- Kiss me if i asked you not to?-
3)******If You Could...****** Give me a new name it would be?- Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- Do one thing with me it would be?- Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- Make out with me would you?
4)******Just A Few Questions****** What do u like about me?- What do u hate about me?- What is my best quality?-
1. Who are you?- 2. Do you have a crush on me?- 3. Are we good friends?- 4. Do we know each other in real life?- 5. Is my avatar hot? (oO)- 6. Whats your fav. kind of music?- 7. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?-
Lirea_power_of_Alstor · Sun Aug 06, 2006 @ 03:30am · 3 Comments |
The reason not to Make Lirea mad in real life |
I blew out a lightbuld in my living room about fifteen minutes ago cause I was angry at my dad.....and well the glass went all over him, I was in my room too! There is this as well. I like making my spirit poke people. One time I did it to a girl she jumped out to her seat and Screamed, I was laughed so hard, and my friend did too he's the only one who knows about that power. It's funny to watch people look around. One time after the third time a girl found a bug on her, I didn't know about, and flicked it off saying "Ya' Perv Bug." Everyone looked at her soooo oddly after that day!!
Lirea_power_of_Alstor · Sun Jul 30, 2006 @ 02:37am · 0 Comments |