hey people!
Whats new with all of you guys?!?!
this week went by really fast, on Monday my dad left for L.A. so that was a bit of a bummer, but me and my mom were having alotof fun together.
so ya, thats my home life. My school life has been sooooo boring, it's not even funny! stare
yesturday e went to the zoo...BORING!!!!! My friends and just ended up laying around txt'n people. the food there is expensive holy s**t man!
but whatever.
this entry will probablly be really boring considering NOTHING really happend this week neutral
OH! I met and got a new ******** buddie! I know, I know it's crazy s**t! hes such an awesome guy, and hes funny and just lots of ffn tt talk to, (hes the guy that commented on my pro....abotut how good I am at giving blowjobs razz ) ya, thats him.
hes sooo awesome razz
so ya, thats my boring life so far, maybe over the summer it will get more exicting smile
Lov you all!
View User's Journal
A look into CrazayRaya
what you'll be seeing in my journal?
well, practially everything. I'll keep you all posted on everything. such as, the heartbrakes, the missery, and whatever I go through. so ya.
I'll be toalyl open.
so Ya'll better all be reading!
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Lay your heart down, the end's in sight
Conscience begs for you to do what's right
Everyday it's still the same dull knife!
Stab it through and justify your pride!