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Lanzer's Journal
Community, gold and reward
It's been a long time coming, but we're finally done on the first few revisions on the inventory pages, store pages, the guild pages, and the homepage is another one. We continue to focus on the core parts of Gaia and on the side, we're focusing on things that are big and fundamental, which includes things like giving out more gold for participating in the community.

Sagger had been the lead in looking at gold granting, and together we're concentrated on thinking through ways that'll let Gaians earn more gold in all of our community features, especially through forum and guilds.

At the same time, the new homepage is now more simplified and more focused on site features plus community spotlights. I'm hoping that in time we'll be able to promote more and more topics, activities, and events that Gaians are doing. Be sure to check out the thread in GCD.

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Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 01:57am

I enjoy seeing more of a community focus. Reminds me of the older years, when the site was a more close-knit community and role-plays would often mingle with each other.

Continue in that direction and I'm sure you'll go far.

Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 02:00am

Sounds neat. 3nodding

Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 02:06am

Cool, and great job with the updates.

Tainted S p a r k l e s
Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 02:31am


Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 02:43am

thanks for the update Lanzer!

I'd be really excited if there was more gold granting through guilds 3nodding

Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 03:09am

^^ The new homepage is great

Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 03:52am

I'm sorry, as much as I usually enjoy all of the hard work put into the changes of the site, I'm not sure that earning MORE money everywhere is a good idea.

We need a gold sink! We need either more ways to get money out of the market, from the users. The prices of the items on the MP(as much as the staff can't control it) are outrageous, but whenever a shop update comes through prices drop as people throw gold at it. Because it goes to the vendors and not other users, it really helps us. Please, when need LESS gold. Not more!

Vanishing Into
Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 04:23am

As long Gaia improves, we should all be happy. 3nodding

Spriteless Girl
Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 04:41am

Eh, I think we just need more store items to buy with the gold. ninja But then... that means I'm whining too.

Lazarus Larkin
Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 06:03am

Um, thanks for all your hard work... I hope this means the inventory arranger will start working again soon!

I do wonder, though: why do you think we need MORE gold in the system? Shouldn't you guys be making more goldsinks?

Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 08:23am

Thanks for your hardwork!

A suggestion, more goldsink please sad
There's too much gold in the system that everything inflates ><"

Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 04:02pm

Sounds interesting. mrgreen

((Whoo! 12th comment!))

Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 05:12pm

The new home page needs a big giant spot for guilds and the GGN.

Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 06:39pm

Kudos on the Home Page project!
I even like the new flash/video ads.

My only suggestion is that you invite the newbies watch your original documentary.


Veridel Hibiki
Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 06:40pm

Personally, I like the look of the new homepage. The big button on the sign in page kinda makes us seem desperate, in my honest opinion, but the rest looks wonderful. And the revision to the inventory and equip page was very welcomed! I would love to see more poses though, even if they are only avatar poses, not for specific items. Keep up the good work though!

~Dec. 03's Veridel Hibiki

Miss Rupa
Community Member

Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 11:52pm

I think what we ned is another gold sink...

Community Member

Wed Apr 08, 2009 @ 12:31am

I'm really...concerned...about this.
Inflation is worse now (especially with the RIGs) than it's ever been...
More gold is the LAST thing Gaia needs, besides and Omni-Drink takeover. ;P
We are in desperate need of gold sinks. There are hundreds of possibilities floating around right now for more ways to take gold out of the system...I really think they should be looked into long before...this.

Community Member

Wed Apr 08, 2009 @ 01:02am

Nice work on the April Fools Day video. xd

I really like the new homepage. I like that it shows different parts to the site (forums, items, announcements, etc). Before it was way, way too many ads.

Personally I don't think we need more features which grant gold. I think it's fine how it is. It's easy enough for anybody to just play Booty Grab in the Aquariums forum and make a TON of gold-- such as, you can make 1000g easily within 15 minutes, if you know which threads/tanks to play in.

Community Member

Wed Apr 08, 2009 @ 02:21am

Less gold I believe would be more beneficial. More gold means prices are going to be higher, which makes it harder to enjoy the site. The cost of EI's and MC's are incredibly high. (Remember when a MC was 5k? I do.)

I think employing feasible and workable long term gold sinks would be advantageous to new Gaians as well as the Gaians that have stuck around all these years.

Community Member

Wed Apr 08, 2009 @ 05:08am

Will Profile Spotlight and Guild Spotlight ever become more regular in updates, and moved from just the community page?

Community Member

Wed Apr 08, 2009 @ 06:27am

Actually, as several people above me have said, we need less gold in the system, not more. It would be nice to see some attention paid to the economy dynamics (and yes there are things that could be done to address this other than directly meddling, lately you've been doing a lot to encourage inflation but I think if you used your imagination you could come up with some ways to control that and improve the experience for everyone.)

My concern, and a lot of the posts I've seen in the Site Feedback forum lately have been other people saying the same thing, is that you're destroying some of the basic dynamics that have made the economy work so well in the past. By putting all the new highly sought-after items in the rando-boxes, you're alienating your userbase while you destroy the game's economy. I understand the need to make money, possibly quickly, but that isn't the way to do it.

Personally, I haven't spent a lot of money on Gaia lately- I don't have a whole spare ten dollars very often anymore. The fact that you can't buy less than ten dollars' worth of GC is tough. I try, I really do, but even when I can afford it I'm loathe a lot of times because I know it won't go very far. I could buy four MCs, which is decent, or I could buy one or two EIs, which is a crapshoot if they're still evolving, I could buy aquarium stuff (a feature I'm not really into), but there aren't a lot of good inexpensive stand-alone Cash Shop items. I could buy some gold shop items with that cash, and I appreciate having that option, but honestly? The gold shop updates lately have sucked. They haven't been things I (or as far as I can tell a lot of the other users) have been particularly interested in.

Also, I think that the site would be more likely to grow and see better traffic numbers if the gold shop updates were more regular and of better quality, increasing ad revenue.

Overall, honestly, I think unless you all seriously examine the direction things are going- and listen to your users a little more closely- you're likely to shoot yourselves in the foot long-term for the possibility of short-term gains.

I'm disappointed. I think you have the imagination and the good sense to do better than this.

Community Member

Wed Apr 08, 2009 @ 07:54am

Nice Keep up the good work Darick!

Fox Demon Shippo
Community Member

Thu Apr 09, 2009 @ 12:25am

While I appreciate (and thank you for) all you've been doing for the community as of late, I must agree with everyone here.

Less gold in the community is better. The more gold there is in an economy, the more inflation it causes. I do note that you have been creating gold sinks - the Vending tax and the gold items are note enough of it - but letting so much gold, and sell-back items into the community is only going to increase inflation.

I also agree with FiresongkTreva, in that the rando-boxes, while nice at times, have so many box-only items that are rare, that inflation only surges. Having old Event Items in them was, in my opinion, a great idea. But having so many items that can ONLY be gotten from these boxes tips the economy out of favour.

Regardless, sorry to meander, but thank you for the updates, and I hope you and your team will look into these problems. And maybe even add Aquariums in signatures to Guilds.

( Perhaps you could comment me? I know it's a random thing to ask, but... sweatdrop )

Community Member

Thu Apr 09, 2009 @ 04:58am

I noticed that when I post in my guild threads, I don't see them under "My Posts" button. Its hard to track them down again.

Ps. The link in Sunset Couture's pm with a promotion code link doesn't work anymore.

Thank you, Ling, Fleep and everyone, for a great Easter event! This is a million times better than last years! 3nodding xd

Community Member

Sat Apr 11, 2009 @ 06:34pm

I must ask you to please reconsider adding more gold to the system. I know that this one comment will more than likely not persuade you, but I have to try. I understand that you might not get to venture onto the site very much, except for the ATA, and that's completely understandable, you are more a "behind the scenes" guy, working hard to ensure that Gaia is an enjoyable experience for every one. But Lanzer, the Market Place gold revenue has risen to astronomical amounts. There is so much inflation due to booty grab alone that we need many, many more goldsinks. Please Lanzer, look at some of the suggestions in the Site Feedback forum, users in there have excellent ideas for goldsinks. I understand that the 2% deduction in the market place may take out some gold, but not nearly enough. You need to start thinking about gold sinks before you think about adding more gold. The pleas that you get asking for more gold are normally posted by newer users that don't understand the inflation problems that Gaia is having. So I just ask you to please, please reconsider.
Thank you,

Community Member

Wed Apr 15, 2009 @ 12:16am

I see many people beat me to it but we do need more gold sinks as the current MP inflates are insane those instant win items are not helping much either lol. I mean newbie's got red rose corsage etc.

I think a good gold sink would be to make clans premium to create them like guilds in fact the 20k set up should probably be increased since 20k is fairly easy to obtain on Gaia now days.

Community Member

Wed Apr 15, 2009 @ 02:15pm

I hate reading :B

Community Member

Wed Apr 15, 2009 @ 09:07pm

cry cry
cry cry cry
cry cry cry cry
cry cry cry cry cry cry
cry cry cry cry cry cry cry
cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry
i mis the community spotlight announncment cry
cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry
cry cry cry cry cry cry cry
cry cry cry cry cry cry
cry cry cry cry cry
cry cry cry cry
cry cry cry
cry cry

User Image
Morte Van-Wyke
Community Member

Thu Apr 16, 2009 @ 06:18pm

ah....gold is so hard to earn on gaia some times..

Community Member

Fri Apr 17, 2009 @ 07:22am

This website is going into a very positive direction
oh yea nice hairstyle

Lanzor X
Community Member

Sat Apr 18, 2009 @ 07:06am

I do enjoy the site, and look forward to your latest great accomplishment! Keep up the good work Mr.Lanzer!

Community Member

Sat Apr 18, 2009 @ 01:34pm

The site's been looking great so far! The interface makes it so that even the newest member can find their way around. Keep it up!!

D31 D31
Community Member

Sat Apr 18, 2009 @ 05:11pm

hows about re-enabling my trading pass >_>

Sia Asami
Community Member

Tue Apr 21, 2009 @ 05:27am

nice smile

Miss Zuki
Community Member

Tue Apr 21, 2009 @ 02:43pm

Yeah the homepage is looking a little bit more cleaner but a lot of users aren't very happy with the current spotlight.

Questions like, "Why are THEY getting featured?"

"They're profile isn't amazing..."

"They're avi ain't that great."

Personally I don't care, but its something thats been circling forums for
a while now.

Also, should there be a better "recommendation" system implemented in the near future?

Also... I think the daily chance should give out better exclusive clothing items rather than the same old "peasant dress" and what not. Theres no real daily "chance" there.

Thanks smile


ll Hiv ll
Community Member

Fri Apr 24, 2009 @ 12:39am

i love you lanzer *_*

Community Member

Fri Apr 24, 2009 @ 08:23pm


Community Member

Sat Apr 25, 2009 @ 12:22am

Coooooooooooooool :3

Community Member

Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 04:01am

User Image
PaRtY TiMe

Tou Chia
Community Member

Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 10:17am

Okay here's a question to you Mr. Gaia (Lanzer).... Why has mines and many other Gaians Trading pass been disabled? How come it's taking an outrageous amount of time for the Omni Mods to reply to our complaints? How come other Gaians accounts have been banned unfairly, for no reason at all? I bought nearly $600 worth of Gaia Cash and is this how you treat one of your main customers? I had to come comment here because I believe coming straight to you, will help more if not less. The Mods all just tell me the same, "Please be patient...", well some people have no patients especially ones like me. So all I'm asking is for your help. To ensure me that my accounts trading pass will be returned. I did nothing wrong, so why should I pay for nothing? Thank you for your time, even though I know I will be ignored by you and this company.

mistress of emo666
Community Member

Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 10:12pm

im glad that ppl are focusing on this kind of stuff

Wrongfully Bans
Community Member

Tue Apr 28, 2009 @ 07:26am

Oh i'm "tou chia" up there two comments above yeah.... my account was just banned today unfairly, soooooo wow.... i guess i have no freedom of speech? O.o

Community Member

Wed Apr 29, 2009 @ 09:37pm

Pretty cool 3nodding .
*I'm just showing off my new Moira avatar. Feel free to ignore me.*

Community Member

Fri May 01, 2009 @ 01:18am

Tee-hee. ^^
Thanks for the hard work, Lanzer.

Sasaku Miyomoto
Community Member

Fri May 01, 2009 @ 03:53am

awsomeness and let me add you please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i be a nice boy

Kuro Naginashi
Community Member

Mon May 04, 2009 @ 11:18pm


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Level up thish Brawl Card and be Loved, If you get a promo code send it to me by PM
Hydration Reminder
Community Member

Tue May 05, 2009 @ 01:26am

Great to see improvement on the inflation. Keep up the great work, Lanzer!

Community Member

Tue May 05, 2009 @ 01:38am

Keep the good work up Lanzer!

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suichiro cross
Community Member

Tue May 05, 2009 @ 06:19am

Yay!!! blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh

by the way thanks for increasing the gold!! ^^

Erik chua
Community Member

Tue May 05, 2009 @ 02:29pm


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