I really, really hate to be wrong. More then anything. More then I hate living right now. More then I hate you. Yes you. Little miss problems You're always ready to talk. Always ready to tell all of your troubles. Well what about me? What about all the times that I've needed someone to talk to. You were always around, but never let me talk. it was always you you you you you. Always you. No one could even see me, because you had to be in the spot light. You changed your looks to get attention. I simply stay the same, fading into the background. I might as well be a peice of furniture for all the notice I get when you're around. Do you ever miss having a best friend? Because I'm starting to miss you, as much as you tick me off. Damn b***h. You have to make me feel guilty about being cold and trying to protect my heart. So I have a heart to give to someone someday. But no, I'm not even allowed to sheild myself that much, you always come back.
Always . . .
Come back to hurt me . . .
More then you did before.
Siobahn Telrunya · Wed May 09, 2007 @ 12:06am · 0 Comments |