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Auliro's Wonderous World of... Nothing You Care About ^_^
So... I haven't writen it yet so I don't know what this is about. But I like to rant, and ramble, and talk to myself. I suppose those will be major factors. I'm also fond of bragging, cause I'm kinda arrogant, so that will probably be there, too. Wha
Just some catching up junk
So, I'm actually not feeling like writing. I'm going to write though, I kinda feel obligated, but I'm not really up to it. It's just that I haven't sat down and written a full entry in any of my journals for some time now, and that bugs me. Especially because things have happened that I don't want to forget about. And you know it's bad when you don't remember how far back you have to start.

I think it was that really bad week I had... three, four weeks ago? Anywho, we're not launching into that one. We're actually avoiding that one. But afterwards... I don't quite remember what happened the week afterwords, namely because I don't remember which week that was. Do you see my problem with not writing much? It may have only been two weeks ago, it seems longer, though.

Well, two weekends ago I did an inventory, got some money, was able to pay some stuff off/buy some stuff. I need a job, still, so starting today sometime I'm going to be working on that. Probably once mum comes back from Olympia so that I can get money for gas since all of my gas money went out the window from driving my sisters about. Oh, and I have food upstairs... brb, have to run up and get it.

okies... got my food. Anywho, so last week was fun. Except I missed all of water polo and it was our first two games. That's okay though, cause we won them, but it's sad for me. Let's skip that tangent and say why I missed water polo.

I was doing sixth grade camp from Tuesday to Friday. The kids didn't actually show up until Wednesday. Tuesday I was able to decorate the cabin to get ready. Unfortunately I had no idea what I was getting myself into and didn't bring many art suplies at all. So I ended up makingmost of my decorations and having to get really creative. I made tons of those ring things, you know those paper rings that some people use for Christmas? Anywho, they worked kinda like the streamers everone else had just brought from the store. But yeah, it turned out looking fine. *chears* go me. I made it look okay. sweatdrop I was a wee bit woried first. But anyway, my kids showed up Wednesday and from there on out I was in charge of 8 girls: Morgan, Tiffany, Sara, Michalla, Stephanie, Bryanna, Katie, and Alicia.

Oh, sixth graders. What can I say about sixth graders? They're the embodiment of the pre-teen era. Some of them aren't that bad, some are cool, some are annoying. I had all three of those sorts in my cabin. I had some campers who wanted to participate and sing all the time (you're supposed to sing camp songs whenever we're walking around or going anywhere, or standing by the flag poll. It shows spirit.) Some didn't want to do a damn thing *cough* Michalla *cough*. Some wanted to talk all the time, some were very quiet. Sara kept asking me questions and wanting to look at my schedual for the day. I stopped letting her look at it after about the twentith time so she took to just picking up my stuff and thumbing through it all, so I had to say they couldn't touch my stuff. I stopped telling people what time it was because she asked every two minutes.

But it was actually a lot of fun. The first day, before the kids showed up, we got to do archry and horse back riding and just hang out. Once the kids showed up we were in charge of geting them from place to place in one piece, and it got a little tiring. When I came home on Friday I slept for a very long time.

Keeping track of eight kids isn't easy. And then when you have to get them to places on time and make sure they're singing while you do, and make sure they're looking for scavenger hunt stuff or keeping the tent clean, it just gets a bit more difficult. On the bright side the kids listened to me. They called me "Miss <first name, not telling you>" and I was like a teacher. It was kinda spiffy that way. I didn't have to explain why they had to hurry up or why to keep the place clean, well, sometimes I had to explain a little, but nothing huge.

My biggest problem is I kinda like rules and doing things the way they're supposed to be done. This is a problem because I don't like making exceptions, and with sixth graders sometimes you have to. Or at least you have to phrase it a way that will look like it's not a bad thing. So if they wanted to run back to the cabin for a bit when we're not supposed to or do something they're not supposed to (I really can't think of any good examples, sorry) and it really wan't a big deal but we weren't supposed to do it, I kinda just said no. And I wasn't really big on the bending that rule.

This sounds okay, but with sixth graders you kinda have to bend the rules sometimes. I mean, with everyone there are situations that come up. I just personally don't like to do that. I figure the rules are there for a reason so we should best follow them. Not that we always followed the rules, but most of the time. And I got pretty used to just saying "no" to some of the kids requests. Sometimes I said "sure" or "go ahead" or proposed some other option. And I made cleaning up a game, or did some other thing to make the kids productive.

I think my biggest problem with camp was that, unlike just about every other councler, none of my friends were at camp, and there wasn't really anyone my age who I could just sit back and joke with. There were three highschools who had counclers at camp. One of them was really clickish. I mean they just sort of stuck with themselves. The other was a bit more open, but when you have friends there who you've known forever you just tend to hang out with them. Sure, other people could join you, but they might not feel like they fit in. Then one of the girls from my high school was really nice, the other was really quiet, the two hung out a lot, but I didn't really click with either of them. Like I could make small talk, but we wouldn't really be having fun unles we got lucky and discovered something to bring us all together.

Did I mention I really don't like small talk? Most of the time at least. When I feel like there should be real conversations then small talk just really sucks. Sometimes it's fine, though.

So I was missing people. Fortunately there was almost no free time throughout the day. I was busy, busy, busy from waking up to colapsing into my bed. But it was a lot of fun. I mean I wouldn't do it again, but I'm glad I got to go this time around.

Scratch that, I'm a dork, I'd probably do it again. Yeah, yeah I think I would.

But I get back Friday and I try calling Maude a few times because I want to know what's up. She was supposed to leave for Japan on Saturday, her make a wish foundation wish. So I was supposed to come say goodbye on Friday, but I wasn't able to get ahold of her anyhow, and I even stopped by her house. Don't know what was up with her because I haven't talked to her because Saturday she left for Japan, and I'll just assume she's there right now. I'm kinda missing her. I'm very, very happy she got to go to Japan, but this happens to be my spring break and it sucks that my best friend is out of town.

But I got to hang out with Ian some. Yesterday was his birthday! The big 18! Wanna know the bad news? He had a court date on his birthday. He had to go to court and try to get his $691 (I think that was it) ticket to go away. For whatever reason Ian hadn't been on the car's insurance when he rear ended someone (he thought he was, I'm guessing communication mishaps and a spacy mom. That's okay, his mom's still cool.) So he got the ticket. Quite frankly, Ian's family didn't have the money to pay that ticket. Mine could have managed it with a few arangements, Ian's just didn't have it. So he went to court and...

it was shortened to $124! That they can afford. And it's not a bad birthday gift from our little town if I do say so myself. So that was the goodnews out of it. And Ian ended up paying for lunch when we went to lunch afterwards. I hadn't been at the court, but Ian's mom invited my for lunch so I went, but I had to leave before everyone else because it had started later than planned and I had a water polo practice. Thankfully I got to water polo only 4 minutes lates thanks to some somewhat illegal speeds... Don't worry, I wan't driving that fast.

As for water polo, we have a game today, and it's spring break! Since when do you have games over spring break? I wouldn't mind, except we have a game Thursday, and I'm going to be in Seattle!!! For school!!!! OMG, we're not supposed to have games over spring break. It mostly just pisses me off because this is the third game I'm going to miss, and I can't afford to miss games because I want to letter, and that requires playing in games. And I don't even know how much I'll be playing because Merryman is a perfectly good goalie who has already helped us win two games, that I wasn't even at. But because it's spring break, and some people go on vacation during spring break, we are missing a few players so even if I don't play goalie I may finally get to play field, which I have been asking to be able to practice, but that just hasn't happened yet (mostly because my coach blows me off, saying it's a good idea and we'll work on it later). I don't think we'll win today because we're playing the best team in our area. Hopefully we won't get squashed as bad as normal. Hopefully I'll show off my super goalie skills (it could happen) and kick some serious a**.

And on top of everything I still have homework to do from the week I missed for sixth grade camp. (last week.) I should start it, but I've been keeping myself busy reading. I'm on my second book for this week, and since it's Tuesday and I've technically had four days, I'm saying I'm behind by at least one book and should continue reading until Thursday, when I go up to Seattle for that newspaper thing, because I'll be staying there three days and can bring all my homework to do then.

Oh, and I bought this really cute outfit. Yes, this is off topic, but it's cute and since I haven't had money to buy clothes in forever I figure it's relevent. Anywho, it's an orange tank top and this jean skirt. Really cute. And I bought a book and two manga last night at Borders. My sister and I opted to leave sooner than plan instead of risking the loss of more money. Book stores aren't safe when it comes to money. And I really do have enough books to read. *sighs* I don't know when I'll have time to read them all.

But I think that's good enough for now. Quick Gaia comment: The AFK is almost worth enough to sell it for everything else I want. Pretty soon I'll look into that. Then I can dress my mule up all spiffy like and give Rave back her wallet that I "borrowed".

Oh! And my senior pictures came in! They're spiffy! I wanted to scan them and e-mail them to my friends but at some point something happened to our scanner, and I'm not even sure how it's broken. I'm blaming it on the cats who step on buttons all the time, or on my mom who lets this desk become a total mess. Take your pick. Anywho, if you haven't gotten pictures yet and you live by me and you want one and I know you (that's always a bonus) and we're friends, I'll probably get you one at some point. If you only fit the "I know you" category, then we could work something out if it would make you happy. *shrugs* I dunno yet. I'm gonna go read my book now. biggrin Books are fun!

And there keeps being one last thing, because I always just rememeber something. So, before I trot off to read my very spiffy book that's screaming my name and yelling at me for dragging this sentence out, I have to mention another thing. Someone actually reviewed for my story on fanfiction!!!! *dances* That means someone actually read it!!!!!! I mean, tons of people read the first story, but I'm on chapter four of the second and had only had one review from a chick advertising some else's story without even bothering to read mine! That pissed me off and I sent her a nasty e-mail. But yeah, so, that's happy. I actually have to work on the fifth chapter. I had finished it, but I don't like it, so I'm going to change then ending a little. I keep making the story too... predicatable? Steriotypical? repetitive? Just like every other similar movie/story? So I have to go back and say "no, that's not right, they wouldn't do this." or "no, that's not right, everyone else has done this." or "No, I just need to tweak this a little so that this guy will fall in charector and it will work for later in the story." or the "Gee, will I ever learn how to spell?"

Yeah. But that's all. For real this time.

ttyl, thanks for reading!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 08, 2005 @ 11:05am
You're a busy lady O_O;;

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