DAMN. YOU. SPIDER. SOLITAIRE. D:< <span id="test10483527">. . .</span><br/><div id="post10483527" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;">
So I've been hanging out in cards and slots A LOT lately and whenever I get bored of kicking Cardbot's a** (...I wish emo ) I wind up playing Spider Solitaire...
I also had a dream that it was Monday next week. That dream SUCKED. But luckily it was really short.
And then I had a dream that I was Rikku from Final Fantasy X and Yuna, Lulu and I broke into this building and then the police were after us so we ran away and hid up a tree for a couple of days. Then we came back and Tidus, Wakka, Auron and Kimahri had broken into the building again and then we were all on the run. And we were running through this town, I was the fastest and no one could keep up with me and Auron, Lulu and Yuna were injured so they were really slow. And we went into the wooden building so Yuna could cast some spells but then the police were about to catch us so I jumped out of a window and everyone followed me. Then we were running again and we went into a garage where I saw my friends Jim, Milky and Big Karl. And then we were talking, but then I got out my pocket mirror which was actually a device that told me if there was an undercover policeman around, and it told me that Captain Barbarossa from Pirates of the Caribbean that was also in the garage was an undercover cop. And I couldn't remember his name at the time so I shouted CAPTAIN... UH... BLACK BLUE BEARD PIRATE SKULL MAN DAVY JONES BEARD... IS AN UNDERCOVER COP. But no one believed me. And then Barbarossa morphed into a big lizard thing and Tidus thought it was cute so took it with us. And I was like AH NO YOU FOOL. Then Karl told me I had something on my tie. I didn't even know I was wearing a tie. And then I woke up.
So yeah, Spider Solitaire.
I was lying down earlier listening to music and I just kept THINKING ABOUT IT. ARRGH.
...All this has made me want to play Spider Solitaire now. :[
Maybe I'll try Freecell for a bit instead.</div>
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