So my dad has this 'job' which requires him to move to various cities, even countries. The thing is though that his family is there behind him; following him wherever the hell he plans to take us. Not to complain, for I'm a huge fan of travelling, but sometimes I feel like I have no home. I know it's probably something someone else reading this will not be able to comprehend, but I wish I wouldn't worry so much about it. The moving that is. Every two/three years or so, we move. It was beyond exciting at first; meeting countless new people, the sights, sounds... everything. However, doesn't 'everything' have a limit? Now It sounds from my parents' conversations as if we might have to move again. It doesn't affect my older brothers, because one is off in medical school, the other should be going to Uni soon. My younger brother doesn't really mind the moving since he's only seven. But then there's me. Stuck somewhere in between. It doesn't matter how I feel about the moving, for it is inevitable. I don't want to become someone afraid to forge relations with people in the fear that I'll have to leave them one day or another. Only I think I slowly am.
raiin.shadow · Sat Jun 09, 2007 @ 02:29am · 0 Comments |