I woke up this morning at 8 a.m. and man was I tired as all s**t. I normally don't get up early unless it's Saturday morning, or I have to go to work. But I was worn out today, I even looked like s**t. I didn't even want to go to the event that took place at 9 a.m. today... and as I fell back down in preperation to return to sleep, I told myself that, "The next time this will happen again is in four years." so I woke up and got dressed and went. Despite the fact that my face was puffy, my breath was stank, my joints hurt from being stiff and my body was tired, I still managed to get up and go. Because this was a special day today.... it is the day that my younger brother graduated into high school.
It was worth getting up to see him walk, especially since nowadays it's hard for the youths, especially middle-schoolers to walk that stage and graduate. And I'm glad he finally made out of there. The final grades of his normal life will now come upon him starting this fall. I won't lie to you, tears left my eyes and I yawned, but I'm proud of him. He made it through and that's all that matters.
With that said and done, let's bring out some more characters from Batla, shall we:

more to come next time
~me, the mysterious katboy from afar
~me, the mysterious katboy from afar