::Warning:: contains Wade talk... so if your sick of it, then don't read. I just like to get meh feelings out about it.
I saw Wade today O.O' and more then a second lol. I at first saw Ender. He called my name to talk to.. and as i turned around to talk to him, Wade walked by, looking down of course.. but /I kept staring and this HUGE smile came upon my face and I couldn't get it off. Ender told me it was ok that I was so happy to see Wade, and that I should stop saying sorry for it (because I kept saying it alot because I was blushing). Ender took my camera.. I told him to try to get random shots of things and suprize me with what he gets, and to pass it on to other, trustable people, to take pictures also. I went and sat in the hall with Jake and Brady, but it was boring. I need to find a new place to eat lunch. I got up after about 5 minutes and remembered I wanted to delete a few pictures on my camera, and to see if Ender took any pictures yet. I figured Ender was in the library.. but Wade was in there also. I asked the ex cop thingy..ness.. if it was ok if I went in there to see a friend of mine. He said I could, but he followed me in there o.O'. He also told me it's ok if i'm in the same room as Wade, as long as him and I don't talk. heart heart heart heart heart . I hope that I can stalk Wade in the library every day now.. I don't eat lunch anymore. My nervs won't let me eat much. So I could just go straight to the library.. and just say i'm stalking my..other friends.. I'll make Enders go in with me most of the time so I have an excuse.. o.O'.. anyway. When the ex cop left the library, Wade started looking at me. OMG his eyes O.O... I love his eyes.. I wanted to cling to him and start making out with him right there XP.. ok i'm only joking.. *shifty glance* or am I.. Anyway.. Wade kept staring at me and I'm sure my face was REALLY red, he was blushing/his face was red also. I couldn't stop smiling.. I still can't.. Ever since I saw Wade in the commons.. to now, I haven't stoped smiling.. I have a slight smile but..yea.. not like biggrin smile..thing.. ANYWAY I'm just blabbing on because I'm so giddy and happy. And all because Wade looked at me. I wonder what he was thinking.. I wonder if he thought I was pretty.. or was freaking out inside/obsessing over I was there as much as I was that he was there. I wonder if he felt giddy.. I wonder if he wanted to talk to me and hug/kiss me as bad and I wanted him. XP.. ANYWAY sorry..friends of mine who read this.... and that.. get scared of my giddy love-y-ness for Wade. I wanna buy him a manga.. I wanna go out to dinner with him.. and a movie..
Ok, enough of the mushy, giddy, little school girl-ness
I finished the drawing of Wade dancing to the 'put de lime in da coconut' song. I need to add a background. I made the background for it here, at my house..o.O'.. I drew limes and coconuts together.. and faded it in the background, then I added the lyrics to the song heart . I sorta like it o.O' I'm going to submit it on deviant art probably tomorrow.
Off of the happy subject..
My dad has been having alot of heart troubles lately... like.. they keep saying he's fine, and my dad just knows he;s not.. he keeps passing out and feeling horrible.. he looks like he's dying.. he acts like it also. Everytime my dad goes into the hospital, they do these tests that my dad knows won't show up what he needs to be shown. He keeps asking for this certain test that, last time when my dad almost died from a heart attack, they showed 100% blockage.. and they did all the tests their doing now, and showed no sigh of heart trouble. They say they don't find a need to take the test.. and that they'll wait until my dads main doctor comes back from vacation.. to ok the test. How retarded is that.. but anyway. I was ranting to Nikki about this like a couple hours ago.. but like an hour ago.. my dad, once again, was rushed to the ER because he was passing out. I feel like he's going to die sometime.. he IS going to die if the ******** doctors won't stop being stupid. I hope that they'll do something this time. This is his fourth time in the hospital in a weeks time.
Back on a happier note..
I hope Vicki calls me about that picture sometime. I want to get it soon.. I want her to call me tonight but I don't think she will. I want Wade to get on gaia also.. I don't know why but it makes me feel good.. or something.
Wow this is long.. I think I have ranted for long enough.
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