It was SOOOO cool. I had a ton of fun.
Okay, so it started out when Jane picked Claire and I up from camp. We had no idea where Alex was, because we couldn't get in contact with him, and Jane and Jill Meyerhoff were pissed (haha, Jane and Jill). But then we found him, and we left from Old Orchard around maybe 4. It was an hour or so to the city, during which we listened to, of course, Sonic Youth.
When we got to the city, Alex got dinner (the rest of us had eaten at Old Orchard) and we went in. We missed half of the first band, Slint, because we were late, but that was okay, cause I don't know them very well anyways. It was pretty low key when we got there, people milling around and getting beers and stuff, and some people were into the band, but more were just hangin' out. The second group, GZa (or something like that) was a group of rappers. They were good, I guess, but I don't really know, cause I don't listen to rap. Claire and I played some improv games. I was starting to get glad we were outside because of all the smoke. These guys in front of us were smoking pot, and they were just getting more high by the minute....every time they took a drag, you could tell they were more high cause they were bobbing their heads to the music more and was really funny, actually.
We went and checked out some cool tents with clothes and pins and hats and stuff, and we ran into this lady who made chainmail for "fetish clothing" if you can figure what that is, and she was actually really cool. She was talking about this all-female rock concert call EstroJam (awesome name) and how we should go, because as she put it, we were "some young punk rocker girls." It was cool. I got some free pins and stuff.
Then SONIC YOUTH STARTED PLAYING!!! We kept pushing farther and farther into the crowd so we could see better. It was hard to see for a while, but then during the second half of the show, I could see pretty well, and during the encore songs, I could see really well, actually. I knew a whole bunch of the songs. The girl was really cool, cause there was a part in the song she was singing where there weren't any vocals, just some CRAZY guitar action, and she was all psycho dancing barefoot on the stage with her hair flipping all over the place and was so fun. The crowd mostly wasn't jumping up and down and going psycho, although some people were, but most people were bobbing to the music or just dancing a little or whatever. God, there was SO much pot smoke, though...and normal smoke, and stuff. No fights broke out, though, so in my opinion it was a pretty relaxed concert, heh heh. It was sooooo cool, though, I want to go to more concerts, now..... xd
So yeah, that's what was up! It was cool!!! This is my LONG entry!!!
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I'm a girl, in real life, my avi is just.....confused. sweatdrop